
PLease tell me I'm not the only one that starts a really good book but loses inspiration halfway


heyo- phewy.. It's been a hot damn minute. So uh- I will be publishing my My Hero Academia book on Bakugou's birthday, however, the chapter will be angsty due to some unforeseen events in my life. SO- SUCKS TO SUCK- lol jk, I'm not heartless. I really want to take requests again and I need to get back into writing again, so please feel free to comment on my board some ideas or something.


I'm taking down all my books so I can re-edit them into my current style of writing. This includes changing covers/names and discontinuing some books. Most of the book I'm discontinuing I already unpublished previously, however, I am permanently getting rid of 10 Chapters of Daichi Sawamura, A Far Journey (Seven Deadly Sins), Airplane Mode (Which wasn't up for long), and something else I never published because it was stupid lmao.
          Anyway- please give me any criticism if you don't like my new style of books or if there is something you wish to see in the future.


Head canons for mha:
          Bakugou: likes tempered people who are stubborn and determined. Someone strong enough for themself and very strongly willed in academics and physical activities.
          Kirishima: Sweet and kind but always sticks up for whats right. They should enjoy passionately conversing amongst the two, and they need to have passions and dreams
          Kaminari: Likes people who help him when he goes frizzy. They should probably enjoy long rants about random things but also like doing the small things with him like picking flowers or finding rocks
          Sero: Has to love movie marathons. Sero is a big movie fan and loves to watch them with his s/o. They should like to cook and explore new foods, and find the weirdest restaurants with him


Plotline: Main character's child goes back to the past as the mother and figures out how to save her from her brutal death.
          Background: Mother drops out mid-year on last year of hs,  [she is dating ml (male lead)] because she is pregnant with (Y/n).  (Y/n) years later is in mid hs years and her mother dies a gruesome death due to being sacrificed. (Y/n) witnesses this and gets hit with something that sends them back in time.
          Now (Y/n) has to figure out how to send themself back while also trying to save their mom (while being in her body).