
Une suite pour bientôt ?


@ Tajunkie  uiii ma meilleure écrivaine 


Hi! I don’t know if you will ever read my message since you’ve been offline for a long time (at least I think) but I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing writer. As you can read, I’m clearly not French. But I do read and understand some French. And your book most definitely helped me out. I’ve read it in 2017/2018 I think? And throughout the years I still do reread it sometimes. I really like the way you write and even though it’s not my first language, I can feel the love and passion throughout your texts. The book was a whole rollercoaster. It gave me body chills and and really had me in my feelings (especially the end? Like bro . I by the way liked the way you left the ending open for us to imagine their future together. And it really did make me sit down and think like how would this story go on. I even dreamed about what could go on in Nada and Tarik their life with their children) anyways. I wanted to thank you. Because last night when I was sitting on the front porch late at night stargazing at the stars and the moon at my grandma’s place in Morocco, the book somehow crossed my mind even though I haven’t reread it over a year? So that’s why I stayed up the whole night and read my favorite chapters again. I cried and smiled again, reading your writings. Thank you so much. I hope this message reaches you in this life. And if not. Hopefully in the hereafter. Take care 


Saluuut j’aimerais savoir que tu compte poster la suite de soraya et tarik prochainement ou si t’avais abandonné la chronique.
          Je te souhaite une excellente soirée et attend ta réponse avec impatience.


Non je ne compte pas l’abandonner, bientôt une suite et désolée je viens de voir ton message 


En vrai la nouvelle cover elle est trop belle heureusement t'as changé ❤️


 mdrrr blc de sa grosse tête à lui, t'as bien fait des que je vois dans ma bibliothèque jme dis qu'elle est grave belle 


Comme t'as pu remarqué la majorité préférais Tarik mais bon je fais que ma tête ❤️