
Chapter 8 of my fourth wing fanfic is finally up! Sorry it took so long, I lost motivation for a while and then was busy studying for exams, but I got there eventually! If you have any ideas for a name they are greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoy!! <3


Chapter 8 of my fourth wing fanfic is finally up! Sorry it took so long, I lost motivation for a while and then was busy studying for exams, but I got there eventually! If you have any ideas for a name they are greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoy!! <3


Hello, sorry for bothering you; Do you like mystery books? 


@ZahraShahbazian of course i'd love to read it!!!


@ZahraShahbazian can I suggest you my mystery writing? Please support.


@ZahraShahbazian Yes!! Some of my favourites are AGGGTM and the one of us is lying series. Mystery isn’t a genre I’ve read in a while honestly, fantasy’s taken over my life!  if you have any recs much appreciated!


Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well. Me and a couple of other people have created a Minecraft SMP server for anyone to play on. It will just be a fun survival building community to get to know people and enjoy playing together. If you would like to join please DM me with your username, age, name you want to go by, pronouns and a bit about yourself, what you like in Minecraft, what aspects you enjoy, sports you play, hobbies, etc.


@TahliaGrace28 Is it too late to join your server? Since DMs here aren’t a thing anymore, if you have Discord mine is Violet8495


@TahliaGrace28 Oh ok, just thought I’d ask lol


It’s not required, just so I can get to know you better! It makes connecting with people on the server easier if I have a bit of knowledge about your interests. Certainly not compulsory though! Xx


Hope you’re all having a lovely day! 
          Thank you to everyone reading my Fourth Wing Fanfic for helping it reach 5K reads!! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying what I write, because I really do pour my heart and soul into stories. 
          However, we have a problem… IT STILL NEEDS A NAME!!!! 
          If you have any suggestions please comment them either here or on one of the chapters of the book and tag me so I see it! 
          Again, thank you for 5K, and I hope you enjoy the story. Chapter 7 next! Without any, spoilers… Big fans of the series will know this one’s about berries and trees. Not berries and cream, that’s an ice cream flavour. Berries and trees. Fonilee to be exact XD 
          Xx Tahlia 
          Ps. Sorry this announcement’s so not but I had quite a bit to say :)


Fourth wing fanfiction chapter 6 is finally published! Sorry it took so long but I’m finally over my writers block and will hopefully have the motivation to post more regularly now. Slave of darkness is still underway, I have so many ideas for the later chapters that I haven’t been bothered to write the next one to post! Whoops. Hope you all have a lovely day!


Merry Christmas everyone who celebrates it!! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas! Anyone doing anything fun? What present’s are you hoping to receive? 
          Quick Query: does anyone else have multiple Christmas’s? My friends said it’s weird. 
          I also posted a new chapter of my fourth wing fanfic. Enjoy!