
'The Apocalypse' story will officially be getting redone so everything that I have published on it already, has been deleted. I'm sorry to those who were reading the story but I do hope this new version will keep you reading. 
          	It will be following the storyline of the Resident Evil games instead of the movies so will be very different to how I had it before. 
          	So I hope you all will enjoy this new turn the story will be taking


'The Apocalypse' story will officially be getting redone so everything that I have published on it already, has been deleted. I'm sorry to those who were reading the story but I do hope this new version will keep you reading. 
          It will be following the storyline of the Resident Evil games instead of the movies so will be very different to how I had it before. 
          So I hope you all will enjoy this new turn the story will be taking


Can I ask if you are going to update psycho at all. I hope things are going well for you 


Alright thank you and take your time 


@Woosanlover4476 i am just taking a bit of a break as I do have some writers block with all my stories but will try and get a new chapter for Psycho out hopefully sometime in December 


Today, I found out Oneus member, Ravn, has been withdrawn the group. 
          RBW had released a statement regarding Ravn's departure and that Oneus will continue as a 5-member group. 
          It won't be the same without Ravn in the group anymore. OT6 forever. I will forever support Ravn doesn't matter if he continues solo or stops with the music industry all together. 
          ToMoon loves you Ravn and will forever miss you


Anyone who has watched Harry Potter might have heard the news already but for those who haven't, keep reading.
          Robbie Coltrane, actor who played Hagrid in Harry Potter has sadly passed away today . 
          I grew up watching it and Hagrid was a character I loved instantly. May he rest in peace. 
          We'll all miss you Robbie Coltrane 


I'm gonna be taking a break from writing as I'm struggling at school and need to do a lot of catching up in all my subjects. 
          I'm wanting to work on myself a lot more now as well. I'm tired of getting my hopes up only to then get crushed over and over again. I hate liking people. Its just too stressful this year and I just want to calm myself before I break down.
          So sorry to all who read my books and have been waiting for an update on my uncompleted books. There won't be any updates for a while. I'm very sorry and hope you all understand.


I know I havent updated but I may not update for a while longer. I've had too much on my mind and I need to clear my head before I can start writing my stories again. I'll update soon though but not for a few days.


I’m so proud of you! ʚ♡⃛ɞ 


@atinyforevermore thank you. I am slowly coming back now with more updates and im slowly getting there now. 


Take your time lovely author, I’m glad you’re putting yourself first it’s so important <3 


Hi guys. I'll be publishing a new book soon called 'He's Mine'. It'll be based off the the video game, Yandere Simulator by YandereDev. I'll try and publish every week with the book, along with mu other books. So keep your eyes open for the book. I'll publish some characters first for the book.