
hey hey hey hey hey hey hey


anyways there's probably more to say but honestly do you even need the details i am quite literally a minor and i think that's like.. closure enough for most of you LOL?? so yeah I'll be back in a few years when im grown until then reread this if you ever wonder what im up to  sorry i had to tell y'all this way im really like cynical and unstable mentally so i can't really be serious or ill like get emotional and start crying and i don't really want to do that rn  CIAO


@cherishful also forgot to add, - from "jenna"


@TacoAuthorZack i did pretty much the same as you, created a fake identity in 2014 while only being 9 years old, now i'm almost 16 and i've grown from that past. i'd love to get to know who you really are because you still seem like such a sweet person and i won't ever judge you for what you did before, because as i said, i also did the same. you were a major part of my life then, and i would love it if you were now, or even later. i love you and i'm going to miss you very much. /p


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
hi yall honestly i uploaded an essay about this but it didn't post LOL anyways my mental health has gone to shit so yolo need to let y'all go because honestly this was a deeply traumatic time i was honestly unsupervised and yeah can't deal with this guilt or yg being like "omggg zack 
          (hate that name hated feeling like that name was mine every time i heard it but nowadays i can finally hear it without doing a double take and it's so liberating i am finally free from this persona i made up that was half the shit i hid about myself irl and half shit i made up to appease people i met online which is so ironic yet so like me LMAO) 
          when can we be friends again i miss you??" when im really not someone u really know anymore or even knew back then lol. i didn't lie about the core parts of myself like i really was this weird elementary school emo (hi! i am a minor, as you have just found out. feel free to leave your goodbyes but if you do not want to interact that's also totally cool and i get it though I'd love the closure of a final goodbye lol even though this is honestly closure ENOUGH at this point.) and i did have this weird relationship with my dad, but i did make up so much bullshit to cope with the fact that i felt like i suffered every day yet didn't know why, because i had a "good" life (though that sentiment has since been reflected on and i realize now that my home may not be the best place and that my parents are p manipulative and just not understanding of me) though i now know a lot of that suffering was due to STILL undiagnosed mental illness. im sorry for making up a troubled home life that was unnecessary and not justified even though i did it for pity as a child. if you don't forgive me for that i totally get it and im sorry. 


also this profile picture is like really embarassing for some reason,,, not that i don't like anime anymore hell i take japanese and have been rewatching old ones a bit during quarantine but something about the vibes.. hmm.
          fun fact i thought he looked like me when i first got it, the glasses are actually edited on there (by me lmao)


@TacoAuthorZack  ayeeee. Dang i thought you remembered me more ;( but is okay. I do remember you had your kik hacked or sum, and all that. Haha but I’m glad you liked it. A special friend of mine recommended me them. (They are from his country and his sister knew one of the people too)  I instantly fell in love with their music <3  tbh I recommend all their music even the ones in Tagalog haha! But fr we really need to catch up! If you want of course. I got twitter, Messenger Instagram, which ever one u feel most comfortable with, I mean if you want to. But yeah let me know and I’ll shoot you one of them. (My messages don’t work here so yeah ;(  heh)


@-Im-free-now- yesss!! i felt like you had a different username but wasn't sure if i was confusing you with someone else omg :')) our conversations were so chill aw im sorry i didn't know you as well as some of my other mutuals on here back in the day! btw i checked out the song you recommended by ben and ben it wasn't something I'd usually listen to but it had such a racing vibe which fits in with some of my other stuff!! i only checked out roots because i had been checking out a bunch of other random songs at the same time but hopefully i'll get around to checking out their other stuff thank youu


Awwww you were always filled with love and you still are! I’m the same and always think about the past and the good friends I had. I miss you like so much and hope we can reconnect someday! Idk if you remember me but my old account was called Dwstiny cuz I had made a mistake in my name but it had worked lol! I always had this one as back up because I had to delete my old account because of some problems. But you were an awesome person to talk to and I enjoyed every second of it!


Miss you. It’s been a long time. 


That would be cool! Let me know if that happens. Idk if your state is still in quarantine, but I hope life is treating you well rn! 


@kasscares it really has <3 not that active on here as usual but i'm really hoping to stop being a stranger and get an ig or somethinggg, i hope you're doing well though kass these are really weird times :(


i have literally never once listened to green day why are they in the bio


@-Im-free-now- will do! feel like i've always wanted to try getting into something way underrated or like underground lol. most of my music tends to follow whatever phase i'm going through hehe c:


Listen to Ben&Ben they have good music and underrated start with “roots”


It be like that sometimes


y'all remember kik? what a mess


@-im-free-now- lmaoo period pooo0- aww i feel like i remember our talks even though our chat seems to be gone :( i really do need to catch up with some people since i've forgotten so much of my time on here!!


@TacoAuthorZack PERIOD POO! XD I missed you tbh 