Hello I updated the story with Ulquiorra. Yes it's been far too long but I finally had enough motivation to finish it today.
          	Hope you all enjoy the story and please do give your opinions on it. See yall.


Guys I have a college trip. I am going to Indonesia for an important forum so no new updates till after 28th July 


Boss when are you going to continue your RWBY x bleach functions can you please keep updating it I'm having a blast while reading it and thank you for making it


@Hendrichalviola sure man but honestly I'm really busy right now. I have a college trip. Actually I might make an announcement to let everyone know.


Sup everyone. I have to say things are going good. My Book is going great even thought it's slow and by that I mean the book I will publish probably by next year or so. I have made 6 Chapters in total that are I am quite content with.
          And I'm sorry if I have not update Uchiha Schnee's World for quite some time but I have been just too concentrated on that book. A chapter will come by this week or maybe the week after since my college is reopening day after tomorrow which is 19th June.
          I am thinking of writing another story here and it won't intefere much with my Book since I always write the chapters for that only on Sundays alone. So yeah my schedule won't be bothered.
          I'm thinking of making it a romance book of obviously Indian origin. If you guys wanna read it you can. I wanna deviate a bit from the toxic men CEO x innocent girl trope that is far too common in Wattpad Romance because this month alone I encountered a hundrded books of that kind.


@RestoringAlphatale I just explained it. I have a Book to write and publish. And I'm not gonna not update. It's gonna be a bit slow that's all. I might finish Uchiha Schnee's world of hell by the end of this year. Since the next is the Semi Final Arc and the final arc.


@THUNDERsnek Hol up like your gonna be back updating next year why?


Hey guys is it just me? Or why is Wattpad showing me random burmese and vietnamese books? And why when I type Bleach most of the fanfictions I have read not appear? Even though they are still saved in my library. Heck when I type RWBY on the search no RWBY related books come....


@Phoenix_Dragon97 Yeah it's slowly getting fixed. But until it's done I don't think I'm gonna be updating my Whitley Fic just yet. However I have a few chapters done in my mind and next chapter is complete as well. So I may be uploading multiple chapters when I'm done.


@THUNDERsnek It's not just you. I've also been having trouble as well. I think it was a system update or change that nobody was made aware of.


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@THUNDERsnekBro... Why the fuck are these Pokemon Spanish fanmade games better than the English ones. They literally making their own animations while using mystery dungeons sprites!! And the fakemon!! THE FAKEMON!


@NeverIsTheEnd I mean The Spanish have style boi......Also Pokemon Xenoverse he straight up fire.