Fake Demon Lord mass release up to chapter 37 tmrw.


Hi translator . I have a favor to ask. Can u please translate the rest of the NOZW?? Because it stopped at 150+ chapters something. And the novel is soooooooooooooooooooooooo flipping goooooooooooooooooooooood. It's very rare for me to find a novel like this like one in a million, literally. And the MC's character suits my taste sooooo flipping much along with the plot that I can't help but fall for this novel hard..  There's only like 200 or so chapters left, puuhhleeeaaasseeee . i beg you..


Hello, the reason I had picked this novel up was also because I had fallen in love with it when I read it in Chinese. However, it has already been over a year since I last worked on it and I’ve found other novels in the mean time. Not only that, but 200 chapters is a lot left. The one I’m currently working on (Fake Demon Lord) has only 55 chapters, and the one I’m thinking about picking up next is around 75 Chapters. The two together don’t even make up 200. 
            Anyways, I’m glad that you enjoyed the NOZW that I had translated since my goal was to share the love I had for it. However, it is likely I won’t be translating it to the end or revisiting it anytime soon. 
            I sincerely wish that you will find something else you can enjoy on a similar level as you have for NOZW. 


@AngelFelarca Ohh I checked, it stopped at 160 chapters


Hello, author just one tiny bit of favor! May I ask, where is the first chapter,etc. Of the number one zombie wife? Cause, I can't find them, LOL.
          I apologize for the disturbance.


@Angel_Lightbinder I cann't take the link. Plz give me the link T-T


Thank you so much! I'm gonna read this now 


Hi hi y’all, so I’ve finally taken the advice of my peers and made a kofi account for any donations you feel generous to give. Imma just announcing it for the sake of letting y’all know that it’s there. 
          Hope y’all continue to enjoy my translations.