
Hello everyone our new monthly theme is "Fulfilling Prophecy" 
          	This month we will focus on books that have prophecy and a hero which fulfills that prophecy. 
          	And if you have books with this trope apply for our monthly curated reading list here:
          	As per usual you can always apply to genre-based reading list here:
          	With Wattpad DM messages closed we sadly no longer can tell applicants if they were accepted or rejected. 
          	This profile is meant to help writers find readers and to give readers quality books to read, but with the lack of interest from the community and the lack of staff we have, we are not sure how long we can run this profile so use it while it lasts.


Hello everyone our new monthly theme is "Fulfilling Prophecy" 
          This month we will focus on books that have prophecy and a hero which fulfills that prophecy. 
          And if you have books with this trope apply for our monthly curated reading list here:
          As per usual you can always apply to genre-based reading list here:
          With Wattpad DM messages closed we sadly no longer can tell applicants if they were accepted or rejected. 
          This profile is meant to help writers find readers and to give readers quality books to read, but with the lack of interest from the community and the lack of staff we have, we are not sure how long we can run this profile so use it while it lasts.


Hello everyone our April theme is "Past, Present and Everything in Between" so this month we will focus on books that feature time travel!
          Have a book with this troupe? Please apply to our Galactica reading list 
          You can also apply for genre based reading lists! All information about them and featured stickers can be found in our Arcturus| Reading List Guide book 
           Happy reading <3


Hello everyone our March theme is "Extraterrestrial Lifeforms" so this month we will focus on books that have aliens. 
          Have a book with this troupe? Please apply to our Galactica reading list 
          All information about our reading lists and also stickers we have for featured books can be found in our Arcturus| Reading List Guide book 
          Happy reading <3


Hello everyone our February theme is "Secret Identity" books which have at least one character with a hidden identity.  
          Have a book with this troupe? Please apply to our Galactica reading list 
          All information about our reading lists and also stickers we have for featured books can be found in our Arcturus| Reading List Guide book 
          Happy reading <3
          ~Community manager Emily


The book of January is Gods Can Fail by @Tomi3b  
          "In a universe where every element found a reflection in another dimension, everything had its duality: one tangible and the other dictated by the imagination of the former. Earth was under the reign of an intelligent species known as Homo Sapiens, or simply, humanity. 
          In the parallel universe of their world, the fantasies of humans gave rise to divine beings like Angels, Dominions, and Demons. Unlike Earth, this world was named Ladnoria and was segmented into seven kingdoms. Alongside the superior realms, the kingdoms of humans, elves, vampires, and hybrids coexisted within it. The intricacies between them are the essence of this narrative..."
          Read it here:


@TCRreads thank you so much for your support.


Hello everyone and happy New Year, 
          Our monthly theme is "The Antihero" morally gray characters. Have a book with this troupe? Please apply to our Galactica reading list 
          We cleaned out our genre-based reading lists as well, you can apply to them here: 
          With sadness we are putting our Galactica magazine as discontinued and closing our review shop, hopefully, we can renew this feature in the future. 
          Don't forget to join our community Discord
          And check out our main Wattpad account @TheCogitatioRealm where we will be hosting our annual awards soon. 
          Happy reading <3
          ~Community manager Emily


Our newest article in Galactica magazine is out now! 
          This time we cover Forbidden Love stories 

          Have a book with this troupe? Apply to our Galactica reading list  
          We also have a form for genre-based reading lists 
          P.S. We are looking for Romance writers with forbidden love tropes for our monthly interview and also staff for our community. 
          If you are interested in interviews or staff roles join our Discord we have plenty of fun and helpful things there as well


Our newest article in Galactica magazine is out now! 
          This time we cover Doomsday stories 

          Have a book with this troupe? Apply to our Galactica reading list  
          We also have a form for genre-based reading lists 
          And don't forget to join our community Discord