
Hello, my lovelies!
          	It's been a hot minute since I posted an update. Between finishing up another year at university and starting a new summer job, I've been busy, busy, busy. Nonetheless, I wanted to give y'all a little update into my latest WIP. 
          	"Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" is coming along very well. I'm at that stage where everything seems to be wrapping up (not quite the end, but the stages leading up to the ending). Don't you worry because I have quite the sweet little ending for this WIP. 
          	So far, my WIP is at a total of a whopping 132 pages! I feel so proud of myself with this one, folks. In other news, I've also been planning for more Pedro fanfics in the future, including installments for: Oberyn Martell (already existing), Joel Miller, Din Djarin, Frankie Morales, and so many more.
          	I'm so excited to share all of that with y'all, and I can't wait to start writing them. 
          	Again, thank y'all so so much for the continued support. I appreciate it very much. 
          	Talk to y'all soon!


Hello, my lovelies!
          It's been a hot minute since I posted an update. Between finishing up another year at university and starting a new summer job, I've been busy, busy, busy. Nonetheless, I wanted to give y'all a little update into my latest WIP. 
          "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" is coming along very well. I'm at that stage where everything seems to be wrapping up (not quite the end, but the stages leading up to the ending). Don't you worry because I have quite the sweet little ending for this WIP. 
          So far, my WIP is at a total of a whopping 132 pages! I feel so proud of myself with this one, folks. In other news, I've also been planning for more Pedro fanfics in the future, including installments for: Oberyn Martell (already existing), Joel Miller, Din Djarin, Frankie Morales, and so many more.
          I'm so excited to share all of that with y'all, and I can't wait to start writing them. 
          Again, thank y'all so so much for the continued support. I appreciate it very much. 
          Talk to y'all soon!


Hello, my lovelies!
          It's hard to believe we're almost halfway through February already! With that being said, I'd like to give y'all a long, overdue update on my writing progress.
          "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" is coming along well, and Chapter Ten should be done relatively soon. For some backstory, in the first installment of the Rocky & Whiskey saga ("The Whiskey Rebellion"), the original manuscript came out to about 93 pages, which leads me to deliver some good news regarding its sequel (my WIP):
          I should be on track to break past my goal of 93 pages for this novel!
          Since "The Devil's Gamble" is considered a darker rendition compared to "The Whiskey Rebellion" (think "The Dark Knight" vibes), I wanted to make the novel longer and more intense than the first. I'll also be meticulously planning my other novels so that I could get started on them as soon as I'm done with my current WIP. 
          Again, thanks y'all so much for the continued support! I appreciate very much. 
          Talk to y'all soon!


Merry Christmas, my lovelies!
          I hope you're having a safe and happy holiday! I know I am. 
          A little update for y'all: I'm continuing to work on "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" and trying to get Chapter Seven out as soon as possible (just trying to hit the appropriate word count for that). 
          In addition, I've been outlining and planning for future novels I plan to write, so that I could get to writing them as soon as I'm done with other ones. I hope y'all enjoy them once they come out. 
          Again, have a safe and happy holiday, and I look forward to updating y'all soon!
          Thanks y'all for all the continuous support, as always :)


Hello there, my lovelies!
          It's been a hot minute since I posted on here, but between finals coming up, rehearsals and soundchecks for my upcoming Christmas concert, I haven't had the time. 
          With that being said, I bring good news. I finally finished Chapter Four of "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" earlier today, and I'm trying to work on Chapter Five. I'll try to get done with it and post it as soon as I can, but I can't guarantee its prompt publication with everything going on.
          Also want to encourage y'all to go follow me on Tumblr (@tb-gerschutz). I'd greatly appreciate it :)
          So hang tight, and stay tuned for more content! Thank y'all so much for the continued support :)


Hello there, my lovelies!
          It's been a hot minute since I posted. Classes and rehearsals at my university have been relentless and kicked my butt. 
          Nonetheless, I have some hope for y'all. I've been slowly working on the next chapter to "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" whenever I have some free time, so don't worry. I'm working on it. It's just taking longer than expected. 
          Also want to encourage y'all to follow me on Tumblr (@tb-gerschutz). I'd greatly appreciate it :)
          So hang tight, and I'll try to finish this chapter as soon as I can. Stay tuned, and thanks for all the support :)


Hi there, my lovelies!
          Sorry I haven't posted here on my conversations in a while. Classes and rehearsals at my university certainly kicked my butt. 
          Nonetheless, I have some great news for y'all. 
          If you already checked out my latest post on Tumblr (@tb-gerschutz), you already know (go give it a follow if you want), but for those of y'all who haven't...you're in for a treat :)
          I am proud to announce that I've started writing the sequel to "Kingsman: The Whiskey Rebellion", and the first chapter (along with a surprise prologue) are out now right here on Wattpad :)
          When you have the chance, go check out the prologue and first chapter of my newest WIP "Kingsman: The Devil's Gamble" now out on Wattpad!
          Talk to y'all later, lovelies :)


Hi there, lovelies!
          I'm terribly sorry if I'm not posting chapters to "Tournament of Crowns: Gods Among Titans" as often as usual. Band camp has started up this past week (and soon, my classes at university will too), and it's really an all-day thing. Since I'm also a section leader, I want to be able to give my full attention to the band and set a good example for the rest of my section. 
          The good news is that I'm working on it little by little, and I'm on track to break 100 pages in my manuscript (and I'm not even done), which is more than "Kingsman: The Whiskey Rebellion" :)
          By the way, I've started planning out the chapter-to-chapter synopsis for the sequel to my Kingsman franchise, and I plan on starting to punch that out as soon as I'm finished with "ToC: Gods Among Titans". 
          Anyway, if you're wondering why I'm not posting as often, it's just that I have band camp all this week, and it's an all-day thing (it gets pretty busy).
          I promise I'll work on putting out that next chapter as soon as I can, and there will be new content soon.
          Hang in there, y'all! Thank you for the continuous support as always :)


Hi, lovelies!
          I'm still working on Chapter Six of "Tournament of Crowns: Gods Among Titans", and it should be up within the next couple days. I've had severe writer's block and found it hard to continue the plot drive, and I've also decided to stray from my original outline just a little bit (I think y'all will like it, though). 
          So hang in there because I'm working on getting it published as soon as possible. And once again, thank you for the continuous support. I greatly appreciate it :)
          Stay tuned!


Hi again, lovelies!
          Happy Saturday (happy birthday to me!). As promised, I will name-drop the title of my Oberyn Martell fanfic. 
          First, I wanted to say thank y'all so much for taking the time to view my other story ("Kingsman: The Whiskey Rebellion"); I had so much fun writing that piece, and I hope you all enjoy it as well, as it is my first work that I have published here to Wattpad ever since I started falling in love with writing again. 
          Next, I have finished Chapter One of my fanfiction, and I'm doing something different by writing in different POV's. It's something that I've been interested in doing for a long time, and I'm glad I'm doing it now. 
          THE MOMENT Y'ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Hopefully, later today, I can finally publish the first chapter to my new work:
          Tournament of Crowns: Gods Among Titans
          Keep a look out for that, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
          Thank y'all for the continuous support :)


Happy birthday, love!! Hope it’s a good one! Can’t wait to get the Oberyn fic started!! :)