
@heroinetragedy weird in a way. Haha.. okay dokey will take ur advice


Aww. Thanks! Alhamdulillah, I'm fine. :) Though this is kinda late, still hari raya sebulan kan so... Selamat Hari Raya!!! :D saya pun minta maaf kalau ada buat salah atau terkasar bahasa. Ameen. JazakAllah khairan. Hope you're well and doing great! :) Thanks for the message!


Woah. o_o How did you find out about this event? I feel like a katak bawah tempurung tak tahu satu benda hal pun pasal local writing programmes or events. =.=" Unfortunately babe, I'm most likely going to lanjutkan pelajaran kat luar negeri soon so I don't think I can join.But thanks so much for letting me know.  I really appreciate it. :) And I'm doing fine, how about you? =)