
i hope all is well and take care <3 
          	* im not leaving 


@SweetScales I good I hope you doing good I am glad ur are not leaving 


Heyo! I'm just one of you fans lol sorry if I weirded you out but just wanted to say: Hope you are healthy and safe wherever you live ❤️


Hi! You did not weird me out at all and I'm so sorry for responding late, I must've missed this. But thank you for the concern! I'm doing good thank you! ❤️


Hello everyone! Just updated NaLu one-shots: “My Love and Affection” I hope you all enjoy! 
          ❗️I also would like to announce I do have another one-shot to be updated very soon and this one is going to tackle more deeper issues such as anxiety and SH. This one is meant to hopefully put into more detail on what anxiety can do to a single person. Keep in mind: everyone is different and this does not apply to everyone !! I do not recommend this one-shot to anyone who this may trigger! 
          much love 


Hello everyone! Just wanted to hop on here real quick and say thank you for 300!! I love you guys all so much and I thank each and every one of you for just being here. Thank you guys so much and I love you all more than you can imagine ❤️


@77_Dreamer_77 aw thank you sm!! <3


Happy New Years everyone!  I hope all of you guys have a wonderful 2021! ✨