
this message may be offensive
Holy shit,I almost choked on my water when i saw the notification! Omg I have been a silent reader for so long and this has been one of my fav reads!! It broke my heart to find out that you were leaving..i just want to tell you..that I really love this book..and there's someone out there whole heartedly appreciates you and your book ♡♡♡♡


@Rachna73 Oh my gosh! I missed this notification, I'm so sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for saying that. You absolutely made my day 


Heya, CATS!
          I'm back and so is Objection, Your Honor! Let's see how far we roll this time ;)
          I seriously missed all of you. 
          Here's a link to OYH's latest chapter:


@SwagMeow so good to see you back! Meanwhile, this tiny little author started a lil story too, a teen mystery drama full of love. Do check out!!


OMG. The books u have written are genius.what can I even expect from our dear yoongi worshipper.
          I know you are on hiatus but when u come back.
          Reply me ok.
          I have always loved strong female characters from the depth of my heart.
          You are amazing
          Your brain can compete with namjoon.
          Like I literally loveee all the female leads in your stories.
          I will be waiting for you to come back and finish the story.
          Write many more pleaseee.
          Love ya


To all who are left,
          I know I should stop lying to myself at this point but letting this go is harder than I thought. I don't know if I should end this or if I should still hold on. It pains me that I wasn't able to finish what I started yet but that's why I will just call it a hiatus and hope I'I return one day. But even I don't know what life has in store for me. Hopefully I'Il come back whenever I can..
          Until then OYH will be on official hiatus along with Halcyon. I will come back one day to finish it, I'm sure. I hope you all will take care of yourselves and won't miss me too much.
          Until we meet again.


@SwagMeow Take care ❤️ I hope everything works out for you 


Hello, Cats!
          I know what you're dreading. I know you don't want me to repeat this but...
          *sighs heavily*
          I have no choice as a college student taking her finals soon.  OYH updates will be delayed. But I will be back on track after mid-December with rapid weekly updates. I hope you guys will patiently wait for me. And by the way, OYH is almost nearing its first anniversary...
          I have never had a book last a whole year before. This is a new milestone for me. 
          Well, stay safe out there, Cats. Don't catch a cold. 


@SwagMeow take your time ❤good luck with your exams . 