
And just like that all my messages gone. This app has really gone downhill. How sad and disappointing. 
          	Regardless, I hope all of you have been doing great! I will be working on a new chapter for Vipers Son so I’ll be here for a bit before I log off ♥️


Right!!! T_T i was so sad to see my messages goneee 


@Suspicious_Minds have you thought about writing on inkitt it’s really good


@Suspicious_Minds happy to see that you’re still writing :))


And just like that all my messages gone. This app has really gone downhill. How sad and disappointing. 
          Regardless, I hope all of you have been doing great! I will be working on a new chapter for Vipers Son so I’ll be here for a bit before I log off ♥️


Right!!! T_T i was so sad to see my messages goneee 


@Suspicious_Minds have you thought about writing on inkitt it’s really good


@Suspicious_Minds happy to see that you’re still writing :))


I’ve been off Wattpad for a while because I’m in college and going through a reading slump so I’m a bit late to the news of your stories. It’s super unfair what wattpad did to you. I’m sad to see all of your stories gone as I’ve read almost all of them and have loved them. But I understand why you took them down. I hope one day I can read these books again whether on another site, or as actual paper books. Good luck and thank you! 


Author can you please bring your all books here for once so we can read our favourite stories for one  last time before you leave this platform. Because you removed your stories so suddenly we didn't even get to read. Can u pls give us time to read for one last time, pls give us this gift as a farewell before you complete your last book, pls think about this.


@zuieeee yeah. I just wanna feel those characters once. :'(