
Today is my 20th birthday and honestly, it's given me quite a lot to think about, now I'm not too sure about everyone's birthday culture but growing up if it was your birthday usually you'd bring loads of gifts to share with your classmates and friends. I've decided to gift you all new chapters of the Re: Omnitrix story.


@Supreme_king_Ultima  happy birthday nice to hear from you after some time


Today is my 20th birthday and honestly, it's given me quite a lot to think about, now I'm not too sure about everyone's birthday culture but growing up if it was your birthday usually you'd bring loads of gifts to share with your classmates and friends. I've decided to gift you all new chapters of the Re: Omnitrix story.


@Supreme_king_Ultima  happy birthday nice to hear from you after some time


So something for Re: Omnitrix if you decide to continue it and include more Ben 10 elements namely Albedo is that Albedo’s Chilli fry addiction is actually not because of Ben’s DNA he just really Chilli fries but denies it.


@Ghostwolf2022 Excuse my Typos lol. Now as for the Celestialsapiens.. i scale them to Outer but the folks in the server keep debunking em to Hyperversal.. and honestly i'm in denail cause i'm a Ben 10 fanboy through and through. Like i said Re:Zero is basically; MY HAX IS FAR GREATER THAN YOURS. For example we've got Mid tier character like Arc 8 Emilia being Faster than Light with ice magic so strong it stops time. Lmao


@Ghostwolf2022 Reinhard reset the entire rezero universe with a single sword slash.. in said universe is Od laguna who painted the entire cosmology which scales to Outer btw.. and many higher dimensional constructs such as pleadis watch tower and the forbidden library. In other words if your character doesn't scale to outer they ain't scratching Reinhard. 
            Clock work gets no diffed lol, for example Reid astrea who swordmanship is so great he can cut literal concepts Like light.. the bastard cut light itself. And he can once shot regulus Cornelius who power enables him to be unaffected by concepts. Including Time and Space. Also you can't take an Authority if you don't already have one yourself. Vilgax can't do steal there powers lol. It seems you don't have much knowledge outside of the Anime and that's understandable. 


@Supreme_king_Ultima the reason Vilgax would make for such a threat is because I can see him working with the Witch Cult at least until he finds a way to steal the powers of the Archbishops and the witches for himself without going coo coo for coco puffs.  Because if there’s one  really scary trait about Vilgax it’s that he is patient enough to wait for the right moment to achieve ultimate power like when he absorbed the power of the Dagon.  Squid face knows how to play and win the long game.


So... I take it you're not interested in BoBoiBoy anymore?


@Kuuga13Henshin Matter of fact.. your gonna be choosing "My Hero Academia" Or "FATE" (I can make a trailer the day after you choose.. don't dilly dally now).


@Kuuga13Henshin WRONG. It's just not  at the top of the list. Basically i don't have enough material to create a compelling narrative with. (I know I can make it work and craft something unique but it's that since it's the MHA setting.. i will either make him Underpowered (Cause of the Manga events and how Op characters like Deku, and shigaraki now are Boboiboy would literally stand 0 chance..) Or i could make him overpowered through certain methods i developed but then he would Basically destroy the planet and i use that term loosely.. But i also have the Idea of making a crossover with FATE. (Maybe grand order) but i wanna write a superhero story LOL. All in all The book is scheduled for a reboot (Not anytime soon :/) .. Btw i'm gonna be releasing a New book soon so don't hate me lmao. My Brain won't stop thinking so i had to give in. I slowly but surely growing out of procrastinating habit.. at least i'm trying :/.  (Hopefully there aren't much spelling mistakes in this text cause it's literally past 3Am.. and i'm half asleep typing this up.)


Minutes ago some fool really tried to take over my account!!!, Yall i was so close to loosing everything! . 


@IllBadger3030 Preciate that ya'll stil want me around. 


So they talked to you so they could log into your account? That’s that’s insane. Glad you were able to keep your account tho. A writer who like Ben 10 and Spider-Man is someone who needs to be kept around 


@Supreme_king_Ultima Bet and hopeful she does look like that. Honestly i have no opinion on her so yeah


          Isekai Omnitrix will be receiving an Update before the Next 24 hours are Up.. so go back and reread the previous chapters to refresh your memories. Some chapters have been edited slightly.. anyways in the latest chapter coming up a Key character is introduced (Bonus points: If you can guess who they are before the chapters comes out the next chapter after that will come out much faster). PEEEAACEE. 


Before you say Anything calm down.. Isekai Omnitrix is coming don't worry. NOW the true purpose of this message is to talk about how in  99.9% Of every book i've ever found, HECK that there is on wattpad there is no Main Character of color. Yes i'm talking bout a BLACK MAN & as such i'm proud to announce a new book coming relatively soon. "Isekai Marvel The Infinite Genesis" which would be staring an Mc of color. Thank you for your Time Expect to wake up to something fresh Tommorow. 


@EvilEyedWriter It's out! Check out the latest book. 


I have a question.
          Is Sage Sentient?


@Supreme_king_Ultima I would be, but isn't your schedule kind of full with, the Ben 10 fic and the Yu-gi-oh one?


@JLKW27 by the way i'm thinking about writing a cultivation novel.. would you be intrested in reading? 


@JLKW27 Hmmm.. the plan was for Ben to have his Own GREAT SAGE- I.e Tensura for assistance and be it as knowledgeable as it seems it wouldn't have sentience.. but maybe towards the last couple books i can give it sentience so that the story can be more about Ben & the Omnitrix 


ALRIGHT READERS, expect a new part to our favorite watch-wielding heroes story any moment now. Also, Wattpad has a new feature that allows the author to schedule a post. I'm going to abuse this feature. Although on the bright side this means i will be creating chapters in bulk and you need just be patient for them to release XD