
Hey I know it’s been a minute since the last update but I just got back he like two days ago then boom I left my house again unplanned so I’ll be busy for a while longer then I’ll be back on the writing grind. 


Just Posted METAL
          My new fanfic!!!! 
          I did a mass update and posted the completed book 1 and chapter 1 of book 2!!!!!!
          Book 1 : METAL
          Book 2: Iron & Monsters
          GOOO READ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


@Awex98765 Thank you for reading!!!!!! Im glad you're enjoying it!


@Supernatural_0taku they're sooo good!!! Thank you for the new stories 


Sooooo writing-wise....Im doing something. 
          But am I doing what y'all want? No probably not. 
          But....that being said new story is on the horizon. I'll be mass-updating a new series.
           I've been gone so long that I figured it'd be only just, if I came back with a bang. 
          Look forward to it soon.


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Also, small update I know there’s a lot of fanfics that I have not been updating recently and I’ve seen that. None of y’all have lost any interest obviously because of all the likes and shit. 
          That being said, I will try my best to upload and update them. 
          I’m hoping fresh clean slate and new ideas will push me back into writing. 
          Also, I’m starting to come to terms with some issues I’ve been having IRL and I think the acceptance that I am coming to is really helping me, just, live again. 
          I’ll rant about it later. Don’t worry. 
          But for now, I hope I can just get back into the swing of things and get back to updating frequently as I did before. I’d much rather have like weeks in between updating rather than months so I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying. 
          I really love to write so I’m trying my hardest to get back into my passion.


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I’ll be for real for real. I’ve been having major writers block and like also IRL issues just simultaneously f-ing with my writing. I have not progressed at all even though I have tried again & again to progress. 
          However, I’ve been in a pretty good mood lately I read some good poetry books recently that touched a corner of my heart that never saw any daylight and I’m feeling good. With that being said, I might not just dive right back into my works, but I’m gonna freshen my brain a little bit and start a random new fic. 
          Honestly, I’m not in any capacity to start new fanfiction because I’m not done with like a handful but I feel like a fresh clean slate will maybe get me back into things so I have this really really really really really really really really cool idea. 
          It always happens the same way. I have an inkling of something I really want to read. I go look for a fanfiction that meets all the criteria and I find absolutely nothing and then I’m like damn I really want to read it and my brains like “you should just write it” and then I go on the journey of writing.
          That being said, I have a really really really really good idea for a supernatural and marvel crossover. Pre-avengers type shit. But also like season eight and on in supernatural.
          I wrote a little synopsis for it in my notes and the synopsis turned into like two pages because I had so many good ideas flowing, but I just kept writing them down over and over again. I’d have to figure out like a plot point other than just Sam and Dean meeting some marvel characters for some dumb reason. Like it’s gonna make sense you know. Because when they’re just ideas, they could be good ideas that don’t chronologically fit in any sort of timeline but if I’m gonna write something I have to make it make sense. I haven’t been excited in a while to write so I’m kind of like hyped.


Hi !
          I have been re(re-re)reading BBC!Merlin x Harry potter trilogy, and I was wondering if there would be à New update for the last book ?
          Love <3
          Samia :)


@Supernatural_0taku I hope everything will end up alright for you... and don't feel like you need to hurry with it, the most important is that you (and the issues) gets better ! 


@SamiarosaElOuadie I dealing with some irl issues, and unfortunately everything in my life is on a hold, trust if I could I would want nothing more to update, but it's not happening right this moment. Sorry in advance.


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Oh my God, who’s ever watched the new episodes of our flag means death. Please speak to me because I can’t handle episode six. I cannot handle all of the shit that happened in episode six. I’m not gonna spoil anything here but holy fuck man. I literally watched it the moment it updated and I am not ok.