
Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm currently working on a new chapter of "Sonic Boom x Reader", but it's going to take a while since I'm relying on the Blu-ray Discs, as my Hulu account which was temporarily restored has been shut down AGAIN. Also, I only have one Blu-ray player in my area of the house, and my sister has a tendency to hog the room to herself instead of doing her own stuff in her own room. I just want you all to be patient, and the new chapter will come out soon. Thanks.


Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm currently working on a new chapter of "Sonic Boom x Reader", but it's going to take a while since I'm relying on the Blu-ray Discs, as my Hulu account which was temporarily restored has been shut down AGAIN. Also, I only have one Blu-ray player in my area of the house, and my sister has a tendency to hog the room to herself instead of doing her own stuff in her own room. I just want you all to be patient, and the new chapter will come out soon. Thanks.


Hey will you eventually update on your sonic boom story 


Okay take what ever time you need no rush I just wanted to make sure if your still eventually continuing this story and I look forward to your next update 


@Skyblue1920 I would like to say that I am terribly sorry for not updating. Although I greatly enjoy writing the story, I have to deal with school and personal projects, which can be extremely stressful. Also, I have to deal with low quality recordings of the episodes on the Internet, while I continue to search for the DVDs so I don't have to rely on previously mentioned low quality videos. I will say, however, that I am currently working on a chapter and I will get to it as soon as I can.


I loved your chapter in sonic boom x human reader and yes take your time we all get it you have a life besides Wattpad and especially school to deal with and let me tell you I’m a college student and it sucks .


Damn but you will get through it we all will and summer is right around the corner thank the lord 


@Skyblue1920 Thank you so much. It would've been bad enough that I had to do homework from both high school AND college classes, during a pandemic, mind you. But recently, my report card came in and my grades were pretty low, so I was sort of grounded, but not really. Basically, my mother took my phone, and said she won't return it until my grades improved. The fact that I haven't had to deal with this kind of punishment for quite some time makes it hurt more.


Hewwo! I love your Sonic book!


Okay, whenever you wanna, I’ll be waiting. You’re really good at writing btw


@KelseyPrincessOfSamo Unfortunately, not as of now. For one thing, being a relatively new writer here, I don't really know how rps work exactly. Also, I have a lot of ideas for stories, and I want to have them taken care of before I do other things. I'm not saying it's impossible; only that it's not my focus at this time.


Also, do you roleplay? If so, maybe we could do a Sonic Boom one in the pms


Hello, I was passing by to tell you that you are an incredible person and that I adore your stories, especially that of sonic bye! uwu


@antonella123diana Words cannot describe my appreciation for your positive feedback. It's people like you that keep me wanting to make good quality Wattpad stories. Unfortunately, with collegiate high school (high school with college courses), and other non-Wattpad projects I am working on, it's really hard to write these stories. But if there's one thing I want all my readers to know, it's that I will do everything I can to deal with these issues so I can go back to doing this. Writing these stories for the entertainment of people like you is one of my many passions.