
          	Chapter 40 (I think) has been uploaded.
          	I’ve been on a 96 hour night shift week but wanted to get this out before I fly out to Spain for a few days ☀️️
          	Header photos still don’t seem to be working which I’m finding so incredibly annoying but what can ya do!
          	Hope you all have a magical week. Love and sparkles ✨ 


Hey! I don’t know if it is okey with you to promote my fanfic here, so if you want to delete this because you think it’s disrespectful, that’s more then okey! It’s a Harry Styles fan fic. It only has one chapter because I just started but i still wanted to see if maybe someone would already want to take a look at it! ❤️


          Chapter 40 (I think) has been uploaded.
          I’ve been on a 96 hour night shift week but wanted to get this out before I fly out to Spain for a few days ☀️️
          Header photos still don’t seem to be working which I’m finding so incredibly annoying but what can ya do!
          Hope you all have a magical week. Love and sparkles ✨ 


A New Chapter of Already Home published. 
          I’ve been struck down with the(what seems to be going round!) post-Eras tour covid which is super fun!! But it does mean I have a couple extra days off work to write. I’m super excited to get to the next few chapters. They’ve been in the works for such a long time that it feels good to finally get round to them!


So I had a really wild few days
          I landed from my holiday from Turkey (again PSA: if you go Wattpad is blocked there).
          Slept for 3 hours and then went on a 6 hour Journey to London. 
          Went for a wander and some brunch. Who do I walk past on the road. Only Harry Styles. What a guy. There’s so many words but I’m not going to. It was just really special. 
          Then Monday off to see Taylor and got dream surprise songs. 
          Just a magical magical few days.
          Now back to the real world. 


@mcguinessgirl honestly it was like the universe was like here you go, have this. You need it ✨
            It was just the perfect interaction and thankfully no pictures have ended up on the internet 
            Multiple chapters are already being written as we speak ✍️


Ummm excuse me ma’am?!?!? I am soooooooo happy for you. You’ve had an awful few months and you deserve some happy and sunshine!!! I’m gonna be expecting some new chapters from you seeing as Mr. Styles himself had to have provided loads of inspiration! So much magic and you deserve it all honey! ❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys
          I’m not sure if anyone is even still around but still.
          A few months ago I was in a pretty significant accident and it was bad, really bad for a while there. 
          When things seemed to get better and I got home and started living again, things took a nosedive again.
          But hey! It’s all inspo right?!
          Anyway, I finally feel inspired and alive enough again to start writing and I’ve gotten back that exciting spark inside me. 
          Much love to you all.
          Wear your seatbelt, treat yourself to that iced coffee and smile at strangers! You never know who’s day needs it.


@Paraskeve4 Thankyou so much! It’s been a wild few months that I’m sure will take a lot of time to fully recover but I finally have enough brain power to carry on and I’m excited for what’s to come! Thankyou for reading. It’s so so appreciated 


@SunshineTemptress13 thank you for the update! I very much enjoy your writing…read ‘almost home ‘ again! Be well.


Hey guys
          I’ve been on the missing list for a while there. 
          I ended up seriously unwell which I won’t go into details about but it left me pretty much falling off the face of the earth completely. 
          I’m feeling much better and ready to get back into it. (Thank GOD because next week is Taylor Swift for me and I think that was half my inspiration to get well enough to enjoy it!)
          Hope you stick with me.
          So much love


Sorry you have been unwell.  I am reading Harry and Addy’s story and love them as a couple. Hope you enjoyed Taylor!!