
Almost forgot that I have this short story collection and am supposed to add a story or two to it time to time. 
          	KRO is out now!
          	"She was a pure delight amidst the hunched, grumpy people milling about their business, mumbling to themselves about their miserable lives. Kro, by contrast, seemed inexplicably happy, and her sense of fashion caught my eye."


Almost forgot that I have this short story collection and am supposed to add a story or two to it time to time. 
          KRO is out now!
          "She was a pure delight amidst the hunched, grumpy people milling about their business, mumbling to themselves about their miserable lives. Kro, by contrast, seemed inexplicably happy, and her sense of fashion caught my eye."


I've managed to write about twenty sentences offline. It's been, what, a month? Or two? It felt so good to get back to writing, though it'll take a few more weeks to get back into the usual flow and start updating online. How's everyone’s WIP going? Oh, and I heard the ONC Long List came out. Congrats to everyone who made it! I hope to get back to reading as well when these crazy busy weeks are finally done!


@daled79 Been there budz. Good look with urs as well!


@Summer_SKY_9 Any writing is better than none. My WIP is going slowly, though I've written a few short stories, and I'll be posting one in a few minutes (if I don't get distracted).


Yo Sayu DMs are gone????!


@YasHS_7 I did! Check yo insta dms bish! 


@Summer_SKY_9 But you didn't check up on me :(


@YasHS_7 Yes and I thought you're dead!


Finished watching Begins ≠ Youth (though I wasn't supposed to during study leave). My heart hurts. Still! Highly recommended!


@_abhipreeti_ Yes it's free on dramacool. I saw several epis uploaded to youtube by someone  but dont know how long they'll last before been taken down under copyright (the series is supposed to be paid streamed). If you search a bit on telegram you might as well find a group who publish such movie content :)


@Summer_SKY_9 For free right? I usually watch dramas and all movies and webseries on HiTV but recently HiTV has been converting many series and movies into paid (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) and unfortunately Begins ≠ Youth is also paid there 


Hey!  I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you had your book Delicacy Devoured taken off?


@Vamprixussa Hey! Thanks for reaching out! I have done a few changes to the book including title. 'A Quest of Death: Shadows Never Lie' is the new 'Delicacy  Devourer' your're looking for. You can find it on my profile.  ^^


Hola Wattpad nation!
          New theme. Been watching The Witcher lately. (Yeah, I'm a little late to the party but the party isn't over yet. So..).
          I'm ought to give some updates on QOD: SNL and ASOL: Coffee Brown cause it has been pretty quiet around here for a while now. (When did I update a chapter for any of these for the last time? A month? Almost, ig.)
          So yes life has been pretty happening and I've been busy as hell with 'everything Uni'. Barely got any time to write. Didn't submit for ONC round 2 although I have already met the word count long before the deadline. (Congrats to everyone who made it through round 2. I saw many familiar names and interesting stories in the list. Def will be checking them out whenever I get time). I'll still be continuing the story, off schedules. Expect a new chapter soon!
          For SNL I've been doing some writing offline. It's almost the climax now and I need the flow to take the direction I envisioned for it. (And it will, hopefully) I still can't do much writing. Semester finals are coming up. So the profile will be mostly quiet till the vacation begins.
          Welp, that's all for now.
          Till the next update notify,
          Happy Reading❤️✨ 


Welp, turning 23 today :)


@Summer_SKY_9 Happy Birthday! ❤️❤️


"They're playin' our sound
          Layin' us down tonight
          And all of these clouds
          Cryin' us back to life
          But you're cold as a night
          Six feet under
          I can't help but wonder
          If our grave was watered by the rain
          For the 97th time in last 24hrs ❤ I wrote Interlude: Resolute to this ✨


"And pacing around like a volcanic eruption wouldn't help either. You're making me restless too," she remarked calmly, her gaze never leaving the newspaper spread out before her.
          "Then just tell me precisely, with great detail, what the hell should I do? She's hurting out there, and what do you expect me to do? Sit here and smoke a joint with you?" Devereaux snapped, frustration seeping into his voice.
          Lady Moira sighed, folding the newspaper neatly and setting it aside. "You haven't changed at all, Severan. You're still that eighteen-year-old Nova brought to me—restless, nearsighted."
          "What the hell, woman? She's your granddaughter too. How can you be so cool about it?" Devereaux demanded, his eyes flashing with anger.
          "I didn't write her fate," Lady Moira reasoned, her tone calm yet firm. "And don't worry. She is stronger than you think."
          2AM urges : |