
Lol bîtches I'm back 


the first paragraph in the description of "hurricane" reminds me heavily of the laramie project. i havent actually read hurricane yet, but does it take elements from that event?


Tbh I have no idea what that is so I'm gonna say no 


Hi, i dont mean to be rude by saying any of this at all, but i happened to notice that you said you wanted a lot of reads on enemies with benefits. I think the possible reason that you don't have as many reads is the fact that your story isnt marked as complete, which was one of the reasons i was hesitant to start it. To mark it as complete im pretty sure all you have to do is edit the story and click on 'mark as complete' which im not sure how to find exactly, as i havent written anything in a while, im sure its easy to find though, have a nice day and i hope i helped you!!! <3 


Haha it's fine, it's not complete though, I've been very busy but there is an epilogue coming. Thanks for the input though! I appreciate it! :) @ptvmisadventures


thank you for voting on my shitty fic ! ♡ you're one of my fave writers !


ahhhhh thank you so much! (': ♡


@cosmicquinn no, thank you for freakin writing this piece of beauty that I'm reading rn cuz it's perfect okay! Also thanks! You're an awesome writer tbh