
Fun fact! Esmp! Berry's appearance actually looks very different from when she was human! Why is that? It's because it's what her soul looked like when she was human! It's like basically how she thinks, acts and feels when she was still alive was a person, especially what she felt when she died, oh yeah, especially how she felt when she died
          	So Eddie, Malmal, if you're wondering why Esmp! berry always looks so colorful and happy and bubbly is because she was happy and relieved when she died! >w< have fun with that info! X> it's the same for Esmp! Blue too ;)


Even tho they don't remember how they died the feeling of their past lives still clung to them, specially when they were dying, oh they sure don't remember but they still feel it breathing down their necks! ^w^


Fun fact! Esmp! Berry's appearance actually looks very different from when she was human! Why is that? It's because it's what her soul looked like when she was human! It's like basically how she thinks, acts and feels when she was still alive was a person, especially what she felt when she died, oh yeah, especially how she felt when she died
          So Eddie, Malmal, if you're wondering why Esmp! berry always looks so colorful and happy and bubbly is because she was happy and relieved when she died! >w< have fun with that info! X> it's the same for Esmp! Blue too ;)


Even tho they don't remember how they died the feeling of their past lives still clung to them, specially when they were dying, oh they sure don't remember but they still feel it breathing down their necks! ^w^




her majesty returns……….


@StiLlapeiceofgrarbag I was too powerful Wattpad had to forcefully make me leave, but I always come back, it's inevitable (fnaf reference fr,,)