
          	So! I am -kind of- putting the finishing touches on Shattered Stars' outline here, and it will be the longest book in the trilogy. 
          	My outline is calling for a prologue, fifteen chapters, an epilogue, and what must be the most batshit insane fever dream of a plot you will probably ever see in any Warriors media. Which obviously means that it'll be great! I can handle this!
          	I AM finding difficulty rounding out the end here so you know, could be fourteen chapters, could be sixteen chapters. Or maybe I'll get frustrated and delete my Wattpad account, in which case it'll be zero chapters! But c'est la vie. Expect chapter one to show up by May -- or maybe even by the end of April? So many possibilities!
          	Anyway, I hope this made sense! I quite literally had zero minutes of sleep last night, so whatever typos I've made here, I'd like for you to pretend you didn't see. 
          	In the meantime, I'll put another chapter up in From the Cutting Room Floor, just because I have a ton of stuff to archive there and I really should update it more so that I can have all my stuff saved. 
          	Anyway, that's all, folks! Ciao!


          So! I am -kind of- putting the finishing touches on Shattered Stars' outline here, and it will be the longest book in the trilogy. 
          My outline is calling for a prologue, fifteen chapters, an epilogue, and what must be the most batshit insane fever dream of a plot you will probably ever see in any Warriors media. Which obviously means that it'll be great! I can handle this!
          I AM finding difficulty rounding out the end here so you know, could be fourteen chapters, could be sixteen chapters. Or maybe I'll get frustrated and delete my Wattpad account, in which case it'll be zero chapters! But c'est la vie. Expect chapter one to show up by May -- or maybe even by the end of April? So many possibilities!
          Anyway, I hope this made sense! I quite literally had zero minutes of sleep last night, so whatever typos I've made here, I'd like for you to pretend you didn't see. 
          In the meantime, I'll put another chapter up in From the Cutting Room Floor, just because I have a ton of stuff to archive there and I really should update it more so that I can have all my stuff saved. 
          Anyway, that's all, folks! Ciao!


          The outline for Shattered Stars is almost complete!
          Now, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 will have a bit of a gap between them, I'm sure -- the difficult thing with writing my outlines is that they're a chapter-by-chapter list, so to speak, but it is a little difficult for me to judge how much is enough for a chapter. I like to write roughly ten-page chapters, but obviously there's the issue of whether or not I've got enough stuff in a bullet point to fill out ten pages. So, for a few chapters, I'll need a bit to reshuffle some portions of the outline to make sure I'm delivering the content that I think you all deserve, while staying light on filler.
          Anyway, I hope you are all having a great start to your weeks! I'll be seeing you guys very shortly, and there is a ton of stuff I'd like to do with this story -- a lot of lore, a lot of new stuff, and a dual POV! I know multiple POVs are a little contentious -- I know I myself prefer to have just one protagonist. I hope I can strike this two-character balance just right without it seeming like the story is spread too thin. I'd also like to tone down the wordiness a little bit, sort of return to the late-Dark Clouds early-Beginnings writing style that I like so much. I do feel as though The Beginnings dipped in quality a little bit near the end, but you know, that just happens! And all you can do is sort of move on, right?
          Anyway, I appreciate all of you very much! I know there's better stuff here on Wattpad and it means the world to me that you're giving my little Warriors fanfiction the time of day. 
          Anyway, enough of that. It's 12:47 AM and I'm getting a little loopy, I'm sure. Ciao! Have a great night!


@Stormshade_SP Oh! And if this outline is any indication so far, it may well be the first of the trilogy to exceed ten chapters! Take that how you will!


Hey, you ever get eight chapters into a WARRIORS outline and realise the story doesn't have one (1) fight scene? It's a Warrior Cats story, for crying out loud! I gotta have some action!
            It looks like I have some reworking to do.... lolol


          I have great news!
          Chapter 10 of The Beginnings is just a few days away! All I need to do is proofread it, and I'll be sending it out to all of you! Hooray!
          A few things to note -- I have an essay for my English class due tomorrow, and this chapter is quite literally like thirty five pages long, soooooo it'll probably take me a few days to get around to proofreading it. But if I finish it earlier, I will definitely publish it!
          Thank you all for your patience! I hope your weekend is going well, and I will see all of you soon!


Hello all!
          Remember how I said chapter ten would be released, uh, two months ago? 
          I'm sorry! 
          University has been very, very hard on me lately and I have a ton of work. The chapter will continue to be delayed, but worry not! I still fully, FULLY intend on completing The Beginnings. In fact, chapter ten is the finale of the book! And when that is done, I will have the allegiances for the third and final instalment in Stormstar's trilogy published. 
          That's all, friends! I just wanted all of you to know that I am not bored of Warriors or writing or anything. Just super, super busy!
          I hope you have all had a fantastic spring and I cannot wait to continue Stormstar's journey with you all! :D


@Stormshade_SP ;; Happy spring! It's alright, I'll be looking forward to continuing to read whenever I can ^^


Hello again!
          Super sorry about the delay of Chapter 10! I'll try to get it published by Monday! It's just that this is the final chapter and I'd like to wrap it up in a way that's satisfactory, and, you know, not mediocre. Like most of my recent work, lolol
          Anywho, when that's done, keep an eye out for Shattered Stars -- the final entry in Stormstar's trilogy!


@tinyboomboomcattr Thank you, friend! I really appreciate it! :D


@Stormshade_SP take your  time dude!!! u deserve to fully take ur time


          I just wanted to let you guys know that Chapter 10 of The Beginnings will be delayed for a bit longer? 
          I've written a pretty large amount of it, but I'm not exactly happy with it. I've noticed that some of my more recent chapters feel kind of verbose and soulless, and I'd like to fix that! I want The Beginnings to end with an enjoyable bang -- a chapter that's actually fun to read! lolol
          Obviously, this chapter will be a little long -- there's a lot of stuff to wrap up -- but I want to make it more in line with Dark Clouds and the first half of The Beginnings, which I feel like were both better written than much of my more recent work. 
          I'm sorry for the wait! I hope you guys had a great weekend!


I'll put my cut drafts in From the Cutting Room floor once I've uploaded the real thing, so if you're curious, they'll be there!


          I'm working on Chapter 10 of The Beginnings right now -- the final chapter -- and I'm excited to say that it's... gonna be long.
          Sorry for the length of all of these later chapters! Please let me know in the comments of the books if you'd prefer for them to be shorter, and I can try to break them up!
          Also, happy 20th anniversary of Warriors! I'm actually here because midnight is coming soon and I figured that I should make some sort of announcement. Warriors came out 20 years ago today, which is a pretty scary thought! lol
          This series has had an unimaginable impact on my life. I have made so many friends through this series, and it is thanks to Warriors that I ever adopted writing as a hobby!
          Even though the books aren't really the best, something about reading them makes me feel like, hey, everything's going to be okay. I've had a pretty rough time lately, and this stuff is really helping me through it. And for that, I can't thank the Erins enough. 
          I hope you all are having a good evening! I'll try to upload chapter ten tomorrow!


Hello, everybody!
          I hope you don't mind the 'From the Cutting Room Floor' spam! I have a TON of stuff I want to get up there, but I won't publish too much since it'd basically be bombardment. I do eventually plan on getting all of my old stuff up on there. For posterity. Very embarrassing posterity. 
          All of that said, fear not: The Beginnings is still ongoing! I am almost done with this next chapter here! Expect to see chapter seven up sometime tomorrow!


          I hope everyone is having one of the best Thursdays of all time, 'cause it's about to get a whole lot worse!
          I have just started 'From The Cutting Room Floor,' a public archive of some of my oldest works. If all goes smoothly, I'll be able to dredge up some Warriors fanfiction from as early as 2014! It'll also include some dropped scenes from modern fanfictions such as Dark Clouds or The Beginnings.
          This will be my most embarrassing project yet, so I'd like to beg you all to please don't judge me. 
          Speaking of deleted scenes, chapter seven of The Beginnings is in the works, but it'll take a bit longer! I had to delete roughly five pages of what must've been the most boring battle cat fanfiction ever conceived, but c'est la vie, eh? I did save the old scene for preservation in From The Cutting Room Floor, if anyone is particularly interested.
          I hope you all have a great rest of your afternoon!