
Would you do a transformers fic (like the first 2 movies Bayverse) with Prowl (I know he wasn't in the movies but he should have been, I imagine him as a Dodge Charger Hemi Police car) x reader?  He's her guardian, she has feelings for him but doesn't think that he could ever feel that way about her, so she keeps quiet about it, also she fears the his processor might glitch if she mentioned a human/ transformer relationship. He has feelings for her which surprisingly don't make him glitch, and he uses battle processor to find a way to make a relationship between them work. (I read a fic somewhere that had Prowl go into a mating mode, and Praxians court their chosen spark/life mate by gifting them with shiny objects. Prowl would instinctively collect shiny objects through out his life and stored them and when he found his intended he'd leave them for them to find. Ratchet had state that he had enough object sub-spaced so as to last 83 vorns at least. It was kind of funny when other mechs started to find that they were missing some of their things. He'd also constantly flex his door wings to attract their attention.) It ends in passionate smut, with him in holoform taking her on the hood of his alt mode and/or a way for them to 'interface' in his transformed state. And somehow the end up sparkmating (his spark to her soul) which would extend her life to match his.


@Stone_medusa Just curious, not worried.  RL is more important, take care of that first.  :)


@NoOrdinaryMagic  Yep! Slowly but surely I'm getting it done between commissions and work- it may take a while, but it IS getting worked on, fret not~


@Stone_medusa I know that your busy and I don't want to bother you but I was just wondering if you made any progress on Prowl?