
Hi guys! Check this book. Another book that would help newly writers❤️


Hi Quinn, 
          I'm Anaïs Garnier the founder of Weink a new and upcoming writing and reading platform created by authors. Our mission is to create a safe space for authors to share their work and earn money while still allowing readers to enjoy each book for free. 
          We are already available on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. 
          We're interested in helping you share Regina Malicious, but we're also open to your other books. We do not ask for exclusivity so you are welcome to keep your book on other platforms if you want. We also do not ask for minimum word count or daily updates, you write what you want when you want. 
          On Weink every author earns more than 60% of any ad revenue made on their books and we are constantly adding new ways for authors to earn while still providing your book for free to allow it to be read by as many people as possible. 
          We hope you'll give us a shot at sharing your book on Weink. We are always available to answer any questions on social media and would love to have you join the Weink family. You can find us on our Instagram - and TikTok - 
          Have a great week! 
          Anaïs Garnier 
          Author & Founder of Weink


Your last update was in November 2021. When will u finish Regina story. It seems like every story I've picked 2 read ends up being an unfinished story.  You don't know how frustrating it is to be reading an amazing story to only find it's not finished. Please come back &write some more amazing stories . 


Also if your looking for good complete supernatural (mostly werewolf) books check my reading lists 


Always check to see if the book has a sequels and that it’s complete before you read the first one. It will save you a lot of time and disappointment.