
Hi again! The prologue to the sequel of Unknown Number is now out. It is titled Unknown Memories, so be sure to check it out.


@Steampunk_shadow  I'll support it 'til the end ;))


Hi.....i just read your story "Unknown Number" and I really like it!!! So far the best one I have read. I just wanted to ask you how are you right now and that's it!! I hope one day you will be able to finish "Unknown Memories" or something like that, I forgot. Just know that if you ever plan to come back, I will be here waiting for your masterpiece 


Years have gone by but I'm still thinking of this fic. 
          I wonder how you are doing? 


@Steampunk_shadow Hello. I'm relieved that you are doing well. It's quite sad that we readers might not be able to know the ending, but I understand that writing takes a lot of effort and could be overwhelming, so please do not be pressured. 
            I just want to say again that I appreciate your creation and this specific series is something that I will always remember.  Seriously, I'll never forget it! I couldn't thank you enough for your hard work. Sending you lots of love! I hope you continue to do well in the future! Be happy always and take care! 


@ishysquishy To be honest, it still surprises me that there are people like you out there that genuinely enjoy my writing and the Unknown series. So, thank you for being so invested. 
            I've said in the past that I plan to continue writing Unknown Memories at some point but I genuinely don't actually know when or if that will actually happen. I have approximately 3 chapters that have been sitting in my drafts folder for years but I've been holding off on publishing them because it's left on an even more frustrating cliffhanger than where the story is currently. 
            I haven't been involved in the BTS fandom for nearly a year at this point. Not for any other reason than other fandoms, such as Resident Evil: Village and MCU movies, kinda took over my life for a while and I've not really found my way back to BTS yet. I don't feel right to continue writing it if I'm not currently interested in the fandom as I doubt I'd be able to do the story justice. I had a lot of plans going into it and without passion for the fandom I'll end up disappointing the readers and myself. 
            Anyway, to answer your question: I'm doing well, and I really appreciate you checking in on me and the series from time to time. However, I don't know if I'll ever finish Unknown Memories. Though, if you'd like, I could always publish the draft chapters?


Hiiii... I've been reading your work and I love it, especially the Unknown Number and Unknown Memories. However, the latter isn't finished. I'm wondering what happened.  


@Steampunk_shadow Hello. Thank you so much and please know that out of all the works I've read in here, yours is so far the best! I hope to read your publications soon. I wish you the best on your studies!    


@ishysquishy Hi there! First of all, I'm glad that you've enjoyed them so far. 
            There are actually a couple of unpublished parts of unknown memories in my drafts, though I most likely won't be publishing them just yet. I've had to put the story on hiatus for a while since my university studies have been priority. Though, my plan, as of now, is to start publishing parts regularly again once I start writing later chapters. This is to allow me a couple of buffer chapters in case I need to change anything major or if I can't write for a few days. 
            Please be assured that the story is still on my mind and I do intend to finish it soon. :)


I just wanted to say I love your stories! You’re so underrated and I wanted to say please keep on writing. You have supporters who all love to read your stories and give you motivation / support. I can’t wait to see how the sequel to unknown number continues and develops. You’re amazing! Keep up the great work. 


Hi again! The prologue to the sequel of Unknown Number is now out. It is titled Unknown Memories, so be sure to check it out.


@Steampunk_shadow  I'll support it 'til the end ;))


Hi all! so, I got locked out of my account for a few months since my email was hacked a while back. Luckily, I've managed to get back into wattpad (obviously) and I came back to a flood of messages to make a sequel to Unknown Number.
          After a good hour or so of reading all these lovely comments, and even some private messages, I'm happy to announce that a sequel is coming out!
          I don't have a lot written but I will publish what i have within the next few days just to test the waters. The format will be more like a typical story this time, too, so it should hopefully be easier to read. It will be Titled Unknown Memories, so keep your eyes out for it.
          Anyway, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy this new story that will be coming!


Hey everyone! I recently found some inspiration to make a sequel to Unknown Number. I've only just had the idea so it would take me some time to fully figure out the plot. At the moment I don't think it will have as much text messaging as Unknown Number but it will definitely continue directly from where it ended, or at least soon after. 
          I don't think I will be writing it soon because I'm coming to the end if my academic year at university and need to focus on assignments, but once that period is over I will try to work on writing it. 
          Hopefully all goes well, and I thank everyone that read Unknown Number ❤


@Ammu-Bts4ever sameeee I was literally about to spam 


@Steampunk_shadow awww thanks a lot! I am so happy that you've got inspiration for a sequel of Unknown Number!
            That book is freaking awesome one I've ever read!


Hi, I hope you don’t mind me saying this on your feed. But I’m really loving your story Unknown Number, it’s really great! It’s unique and amazing written, keep up the good work! ♡


@Steampunk_shadow No problem at all sweetheart, just take your time with writing. You don’t have to rush for anyone, only write when you feel like it. I purple you ♡


@chimchimslostjams02 thank you so much!! I'll be updating it as often as I can and thank you for taking your time to read it!