
Love is Merely Madness - 10-year Anniversary!!
          	Thank you, readers, for supporting this story over the years - whether by reading, commenting, and/or giving the star to each chapter. Some of you had read this since the beginning - the original draft and its sequel; others discovered the remake of this story recently and had no idea that it has been ten years since I started this crazy journey. Either way, I just want to say thank you. I love everything about Christopher Nolan's trilogy, especially the casting. Cillian Murphy was outstanding in his role as Scarecrow, and I appreciated his appearance in all three, even though the last two appearances were short. I tried my best to do his character justice while at the same time show despite his heartless tin-man exterior, Jonathan is still a man with a beating heart. Will his love story have a happy ending or end in tragedy? Can Kathryn survive the nightmare and stick around for the sequel? As long as she follows Randy's scary movie rules, she should be fine, right? I'm sure many of you want me to update a chapter of this story, my anniversary gift to y'all. No promises, but I'll do my best to finish a chapter and upload it for you guys ASAP. Life's been crazy, and I have two other stories that need attention, too. If you have any questions, let me know, and please don't ask for spoilers. Once again, thank you all so much for the 10-year support, and I hope you all have a good day/night!


@sarasong101 I haven’t seen it yet. I want to though. Received mixed reviews from friends and family who have seen it. Although I’m not going to rely on the negative side of the reviews too much because they don’t watch a lot of Christopher Nolan movies.


Wow, I can’t believe it’s been ten years since you wrote this fic. It makes me feel nostalgic. Cillian Murphy was amazing in Batman and I loved him in Oppenheimer. Did you see that movie btw?


Love is Merely Madness - 10-year Anniversary!!
          Thank you, readers, for supporting this story over the years - whether by reading, commenting, and/or giving the star to each chapter. Some of you had read this since the beginning - the original draft and its sequel; others discovered the remake of this story recently and had no idea that it has been ten years since I started this crazy journey. Either way, I just want to say thank you. I love everything about Christopher Nolan's trilogy, especially the casting. Cillian Murphy was outstanding in his role as Scarecrow, and I appreciated his appearance in all three, even though the last two appearances were short. I tried my best to do his character justice while at the same time show despite his heartless tin-man exterior, Jonathan is still a man with a beating heart. Will his love story have a happy ending or end in tragedy? Can Kathryn survive the nightmare and stick around for the sequel? As long as she follows Randy's scary movie rules, she should be fine, right? I'm sure many of you want me to update a chapter of this story, my anniversary gift to y'all. No promises, but I'll do my best to finish a chapter and upload it for you guys ASAP. Life's been crazy, and I have two other stories that need attention, too. If you have any questions, let me know, and please don't ask for spoilers. Once again, thank you all so much for the 10-year support, and I hope you all have a good day/night!


@sarasong101 I haven’t seen it yet. I want to though. Received mixed reviews from friends and family who have seen it. Although I’m not going to rely on the negative side of the reviews too much because they don’t watch a lot of Christopher Nolan movies.


Wow, I can’t believe it’s been ten years since you wrote this fic. It makes me feel nostalgic. Cillian Murphy was amazing in Batman and I loved him in Oppenheimer. Did you see that movie btw?


          I've been reading your stories for years now. 
          Do you mind me asking if you still have your Joker fanfics?
          I've loved reading the Story around Joker and Jenny. Also missing the YouTube videos 
          Lots of love ✨


@straightedge4life16 Hey! To answer your question, yes, I still have the sequel, but it won't be published until I finish 'Love is Merely Madness'. Just to warn you that you won't be reading the same story. It'll still follow the Dark Knight timeline and it will include the Joker, but the relationship involving the paring will be different and so will the OC character's name.


          I just so happen to run across your crane/oc fan fiction, and all I can say is I'm obsessed with the story. 
          The way you write about the characters intrigues me, and I get hooked on every word. 
          I'm a huge Cillian Murphy scarecrow fan, and your fic definitely does it justice. 
          That being said, do you have plans for a sequel? 
          I really want to read more about the relationship of Crane and Kathryn. 
          Lots of love!!!


@Starswim ahhhhh I can't wait!!! Tysm for writing this ❤️


@kittyjemima Hey! Yes, there will be a sequel after finishing Love is Merely Madness. Now I can't give away spoilers, but it will take place before and during the Dark Knight timeline, and Kathryn will have another love interest. Who is it? I was conflicted between two possible bachelors - a decision I didn't make just by simply flipping a coin. 
            But anyway, thank you so much for your kind words, so happy you like the story so far. I'll try my best to finish Love is Merely Madness asap, so I can begin the sequel. Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Hercules and the Modern Girl! 10 year anniversary! Part 2
          Now I'm sure you want to hear this book's status report. First, even though it has been months since the last update, I haven't abandoned the story, nor will I ever delete it even if I did discontinue it (which I'm not, so don't worry). I have been tweaking the previous chapters a bit - annoying, I know. Unfortunately, I'm a perfectionist. The downside of Grammarly is when you think you have covered all the errors, they decide to reveal more after the chapter is posted - lol. Over the years of writing, I have grown a bit and am not the same writer I was from the beginning, not that I'm a perfect writer now (far from it). I'll make some mistakes and will continue to learn and get better. What I learned in college is that even after you graduate, you can never stop learning. Anyway, I have started writing a new chapter that is still in development - about 900 words. I am determined to finish it at least before the month ends - my gift to y'all. Season 1 will have about four more episodes before we reach season 2. I know all of you want me to finish the story or want me to post the original ending. Sorry, I just didn't like how I ended season 4; it's not the ending that you all deserve. I promise this ending will be better, and thanks to you, beloved readers, it will be. This book will contain 3 seasons with more episodes. Each one will be filled with drama, adventure, and humor, and there will be an original episode that involves an excluded Greek Mythology character. Disney tried to include her in but was unsuccessful. I think most of you know who I am talking about. I can't wait to get into that part of the story.  I hope I covered everything, but if you have any questions, let me know. Please don't ask for spoilers. I get plenty of messages asking which team is endgame or will Nattie get home. It could ruin the surprise. Again, thank you all so much for everything. Happy 10 years!


Hercules and the Modern Girl! 10 year anniversary! Part 1
          I can't believe how time flies. It felt like it was only yesterday when I gathered the courage to upload my very first chapter on Fanfiction. Couple of months later, I decided to create another fanfic based on my favorite Disney movie of all time. I didn't count on this book receiving so much love and support in a short time after I uploaded the first chapter. To my surprise, the heart for this story kept on growing through the years, and now here we are - 10 years later! It's really hard to believe it has been that long. I just wanna take the time to thank every one of you for taking the time to read a chapter (even if it's just the first chapter); leave a comment or more to encourage me to keep writing, declare yourself to be on Team Hattie or Team Natcules, and/or offer critiques and ideas on how to make the story better; and add this story to your library. Some of you had created drawings or written fanfics for this fanfic! Some of you had stepped into this crazy rollercoaster ride from the beginning and never left! All of it means the world to me, and I can't thank you all enough for it!


@Starswim Oh, I'm dying of emotion, chama. Thank you very much for such a wonderful fanfic. Greetings and blessings from Venezuela.


@Darkgirl_0801 Hey! First of all, I'm glad you love the chapter! Thank you so much! To answer your question about Hattie, yes, there is a possibility that Hades and Nattie could be the endgame. However, this story is a Hercules/oc/Hades fic, so anything can happen.


@Starswim Hello, chama. I loved the chapter. The only thing that keeps me a bit in limbo is the Hattie ship (Hades and Nattie) And yes, I know there are more important, relevant things, but I would like to know if there is still hope for that ship. Although I don't know how to feel about the arrival of this new goddess, that we all know who she will be, I am excited.


Hi, Starswim. I have a quick question. Did you perhaps write a Disney fanfic a long time ago about a girl and her little sister being transported to the world of Disney? I remember the big sister liking the classic Disney movies while the little sister liked the Disney Channel shows like Shake It Up. Sorry if it turns out you didn’t write it. 


@Starswim Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I really loved your story and it’s now even inspired me to create my own Disney Adventure book. It’s not out yet and is still in the works, but I do plan to release it in the future. But I can now put this mystery to rest. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. 


@Kim_the_Rabbit17  Yes, I was working on My Disney Adventure. Unfortunately, I discontinued and deleted the story altogether. Sorry for the inconvenience. However, I have another fanfic similar that is still in the works and my most popular; only it takes place in one Disney movie/series that could potentially cross over to other Disney stories. It's called Hercules and the Modern Girl.


This is not a trick! A new chapter for 'Love is Merely Madness' has been uploaded. Enjoy this Halloween treat.


@ElizabethCrumb Thank you! I hope you had a great Halloween!


@Starswim Welcome back and Happy Halloween!