
Hey guys! I am going to be making a book for my mom about me being a therian. Wish me luck LOL


Do you have any advice for a lion theriotype? I see that packs are being formed, but only for wolves. I can't seem to find a pride.


Not animal anyone*


My pack is not only for wolves. We are a family of MANY other theriotypes. From birds, to mice. Any animal can join!


Guys, this is urgent. Not just another stupid status post. If there are any actual therians out there who won't ignore me, and will help me, then private message me. I need help actually meditating and finding my theriotype.. Please, this is my last call or else I am just going to give. up. 


@alpha_lux I tried guided meditation? It won't work.. I just imagined the images up.. i can't do it. I need serious help and I think I am crazy for thinking I am therian


@Lupis_Canid just remember, animals can't talk so it may be a spirit animal. Let me know how things go though! 


Okay, ill try. But! I did see a brown/red wolf.. it said "Thena"


Only you can tell if your a therian. I can't help you much on meditation, I'm not an expert and meditation is really hard for most people. Just try and sit in a dark place with no distractions And focus on your breathing until your mind is clear. 


Hello.. is there any therians out there who could help me? I have a feeling I am a therian, but I don't know!! If ye can, I'd like ye to teach me more about otherkin and all that jazz. Especially how to meditate and find my theriotype correctly. Just DM me on IG[false_canidae], or[false_canidae] 


@Alpha_Lux  I did imagine the images up that the person said? I saw a brown/redish wolf and it said  Thena? But idk.. maybe its just my stupud mind messing around


Using music or meditating with crystals and candles may help. Also if you see an animal once in a meditation session it doesn't always mean it's a theriotype. It may mean your mind is making it up(it's easy for that too happen) or if it talks or does human like interactions then it's probably a spirit animal. 