An Indian weirdass obsessed with Stray Kids.😃  

You can vent anytime you want besties, am always here for you!<33333

If you try to steal my Seungmin, I will come for you 😊🔪

@WH1TESWAN- My Ride or Die and my Best Bitch<33

@my_weirdPotato the Jisung to my Minho<3333

@Jeonginyourmom The Felix to my Jisung<33

@jvngw0nsbbg My precious baby<3

@awhathuman The Hyunjin to my Felix<3333

@seungminnii I love you more than you can imagine<3

(I do follow back)


I'm bi bcz I'm slay

I'm a INFP (y'all can barely notice that bcz i always flirt with you guys)

Uri Eomma eomma ga Uri Eomma ga 💅💅

Take a lot of love babies <333
  • Seungmin's bed
  • Se ha unidoJanuary 21, 2023

Último mensaje
Staaseungmo Staaseungmo 6 hours ago
I love you guys :3
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