
Hey guys... please go check out my ao3 I just posted what may be the best thing I have ever written. 
          	Sorry it's not choni... but it is Peppa Pig x Shrek so that's almost as good right?


Sorry for the rubbish updates guys!!
          I literally did finish writing the second draft I just haven't had the time to upload it since I've been away.
          I'm also very busy this week but I might be able to squeeze it in.
          I will definitely get it done before September though, that's a promise! :)


I miss writing and everything in my life is about to change but it's alright becuase draft 2 is going to come out soon! 
          So I've got 4 exams left, 2 of which are tomorrow but instead I'm updating this and nobody even reads them :D 
          Procrastination at its finest
          I'm really excited for the next draft of this story so stay tuned!


Less than 2 weeks until I finish my exams and school and I'm really scared! It's going to be such a big change!
          That also means only a few more weeks until I do the next draft of "We Used To Be" and I'm also really excited for that, I'm so ready to go back over it, make the writing better and fix any errors I undoubtably miassed :P
          I hope you all stay tuned because I think it's going to be good :) 


Hey guys! I have an update for you all :)
          So I'm going on a trip to Amsterdam after I finish school and I'm going on the train
          (Exams are going fine if anyone was wondering)
          And the journey is gonna be about 5 hours
          So on the train I was thinking of going over "We Used To Be" again
          Because the version up now is only the first draft! 
          I think I'm leaving for the 4th or 5th of July? I'm not quite sure
          But hopefully there will be an update by then? 
          Either way, that's not a promise but you never know <3
          It probably will happen, it's not as if I'm gonna have much to do -_-