
Hi there, this is an update post for Beyond the Work hours!
          	As of recently, my school year has begun, so there is going to be a bit of a setback when it comes to chapter release. Additionally, the story is at, an increasingly important part that I have planned out! Chapters will be a bit longer and will be divided into parts as well. Details and conflict, as well as our climax, will soon begin. I'll be releasing a couple of chapters sometime this week, most likely one after another.
          	I hope you're all doing well, and I hope to send out chapters again soon 


Hi there, this is an update post for Beyond the Work hours!
          As of recently, my school year has begun, so there is going to be a bit of a setback when it comes to chapter release. Additionally, the story is at, an increasingly important part that I have planned out! Chapters will be a bit longer and will be divided into parts as well. Details and conflict, as well as our climax, will soon begin. I'll be releasing a couple of chapters sometime this week, most likely one after another.
          I hope you're all doing well, and I hope to send out chapters again soon