
Ok so I'm making a mha story, I might try to do one for Unordinary idk, gotta build some confidence and maybe the time but hopefully I'll get back to writing these stories 


Hey guys, i haven't forgotten about yall, but I've moved on to other places to rp, I am in this amazing server on Discord and we are looking for any new members to rp/drp if your interested let me know and I'll send you a link, I might post another part to one of my stories but im not sure which or if I'm going to ay all, stay safe and have a good day :D


For those who are Rainbow players or are into Rainbow, have yall ever taken another game and made it to where its similar to actual Rainbow? I know I have with COD WWII only because I got to have The Lords Machine gun, and more of course. 


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This is just a Rant you can ignore it if you want 
          Moving on with, I hate the life im living in, but dont want to live anothers life, I donl wish I could change some things I did so far, but I have to move on and try to be a better person, I am a better person but im nothing but some space on a storage drive that'll be delete within a amount of time. I still hate myself and wish I was dead, not in a suicidal way, but just let God strike me down, or let life do its thing and get me killed. Yes I know these are horrific things to think about, but its better than oofing yourself. Anyways this fucking stupid Virus is fucking everyone's ass, and its disgusting, like its trying to be the next Spanish Flu or the Black Plauge, but in my opinion.....this Virus ain't shit to me and is just an excuse to scare people, not saying it isn't but I just think that its a load of bullshit. I've always wondered why I live, I must have some purpose right?! I think that everyone has a purpose to live and they explore and try to find it, but what about those people who don't have any purpose, Idk if I have a purpose or not but I just feel like Im waiting for something to happen and it's going to be unexpected...and I'm not a big fan of surprises. Moving on I think I dont understand how life works, im sure some of yall think the same way or not, its ok, I am a dumbass after all......I am so confused and scared? Idk I never had any fears, but I think I have more than I originally thought. Why do people talk about this and that? Does it even matter in the end? Are you satisfied with what bullshit you were talking about? Thats why I try and not talk alot, cause what I say ud nothing but bullshit and boriness and I don't see any real reason to, also I say a lot of dumb shit and its one of the biggest reason why I'm such a fucking mess right now. Well im gonna stop here, yall enjoy yalls life's to the fullest and don't be a petty peice of shit like me!