
Eyupp got a new fandom,...maybe there will be a new book???...XD Wait for it


Do you promote your books on Neobook ?


@ uniaroneviekscg  let me change my answer:) Not yet but Ill do it this evening thanks for reminding me hun^^ Quotev is already online!


@_kiersten_updike are there any other besides quotev?


Hello guys another thing Id like to post today is that today or rather tonight is Technos deathanniversary if you can say it like that. I just came to realize that he was a great person with a greater way and even greater personality he loved his live and the more time passes the more I wish I already supported and knew him way earlier on. Do it like him. Do what you love and follow your dreams dont let anything stop you. (Especially not orphans, sry to those growing up in an orphanage reallyXD)
          And if you have time left to spend please search up the song until I end up dead on dreams youtube channel he made a great musicvidio there where technos dad also took part in or the song voices made especially for Techno.he even commented on it! He really liked it. So throughout the time Alex has gotten and reached many goals and names in his live. Technoblade, the blade only to name the most common ones. The blade will NEVER die as he will live on in our loving memory of him and every thing he did! May he already have taken over the godly kingdom of heaven and rest in peace!♡♡♡ and go support the partnership the streamers did for cancerresearch purposes! Love yall and have a great day/night/etc.!♡ Blood for the bloodgod and sculls for the scull throne...the blade will never die~


It's my birthday!


Thank you too we had a wonderful day it was fun I went playing lasertag for the second time this time woth my sisters :) <3


@SoraYuki0105 Happy late birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day!


Thank you!<3 :) Oh And I promise I will Update my stories in this week atleast!


          I know this may sound weird or may not?
          And this is not an important message!
          However I wanted to tell you guys something.
          So I live in germany, and during Corona and the shutdown that was caused by it people wanted to wish everybody merry christmas and make them happy while also keeping distance and so on!
          So a pretty big group of people decided to brighten up everybody's evening by driving through the streets in different places and town with a long, and I mean really long, row of tractors. They were decorated with stars and christmas trees and some other things all glowing and shining throughout the darkness of the night. Everybody close enough could see it through their window and some even came up to the street(which was stupid because it was against the rules at that time but hey at least they kept their distance, most wore a mask and were outside). What I wanted to tell you is, that that day last year was the day I discovered wattpad! I searched up some pictures of some creepypastas while we (my parents and I) were sitting in the car eating fast food, which is pretty rare and waiting for that train of tractors to drive by. Sounds stupid I know but hey if it wouldn't be for that I would not be here rn!
          Anyways I clicked on a picture of Laughing Jack which was linked to my first ever wattpad story!
          Now you may (or may not)ask what storie that would be.


Baiii my lovely chicken nuggets!<3


(Sorry ran out of space!)
            Well it's actually a bit embarrassing to tell you that my first story on wattpad, was partly a smut one...or at least I thought so. Now that I read the description again I suppose I can  tell you that it's not a smut but actually a pretty funny story if you understand the humor and so on. I still don't know what to think about the storyline. If you're going to read this story please don't remind me that the first storys I read were kinda, very unrealistic? No hate to the author! Even my storys are not that good!
            Name:Ugh.-Die Story von ein paar Teenagern und den Creepypastas
            Author: @iechona
            Language: German
            So today they are doing this thing with the tractors again and I wanted to share my story with you guys. Or the part of my life that was dramatically changed by discovering this platform.
            Leave a thumps up or a maybe even a followe if you read this message and want me to react on that unfinished story or if I should tell you more embarrassing secrets about my first storys and impressions of Wattpad!
            I am very sorry for any spelling mistakes I make here as well as in my storys, I always try to improve my english! Hope you have a great day/night/evening or whatever time it currently is!
            ~LaughingJacky_0105 out~


Guys I just officially published the first "chapter" of my new story. It's a Slendermans daughter story called: Descendant! Hope you all like it and you can also help continuing the story by telling me which characters you want to be important in this story, if I should bring in some fluff and romance or more horror and creepy like they really are (my opinion).
          I also updated the story about LJ so it would make me really happy if you shared my stories or gave some likes here and there or even comment on some things like what I could improve or what do you think would be good to continue the story with.
          (Again sorry if my englisch is very bad, I always try my best!)
          See you soon and with that.


hi whats up?


@ Ladyluna81  Yeah pretty much but today it isnt that hot sadly because we got our report cards (?) today...its rather rainy and cloudy where I live


Nothing much either.
            It's just really hot:'(


@Ladyluna81 Nothing much just normal school live and with you?