
Greetings I have returned. Which books do you want me to update, I'm not making any promises but I feel like I can do atleast two chapters of each one.


@Sonder--boy Idk maybe way beyond?


@Authorsdontsleep pls do how to catch a blue jay


Hi I just finished your Way Beyond story and I'm here to say that most of your community would love for you to at least update that story first cos we all love the story and would appreciate if you could focus on that first, thanks and your truely a loyal fan


Ps hope you saw what I just wrote


@Darkscorpiongodofall Hey this is me and I understand your concern. I love the book just as much as you but its too basic, I want to rewrite it and turn it into something more interesting to read with more twists and turns. If I go back to the old book, then what? They get married and live happily ever after? Or Mineta snitches and they get married anyway? No way I'd be selling myself short. I'm not saying I give up on the story I'm just saying that if you give me enough time I could give you a more interesting collection of words to digest. Does that sound good?


Hello im reaching out to you, because i wanted to know if you could collab with me on a story im writing


@TiredRen uhhhhhh, sure how about it, id be happy to talk about it on friday since thats the next time ill be getting my phone, 