


@ Snsvette let's goooooooo


Sorry for asking this, in the book "My story" who's the romantic interest? Have a lovely day


When I started writing it was Annabeth. But I wasn't a huge fan that it would’ve been like every other male reader out there. 
            I decided against it. Right now, I’m working it out. I’ll try to tell you when I do


I’m taking Chapter 6: Disturbing Dreams down. 
          I just read it again and realized how bad it was. It’ll be back up soon. Probably twice as long and the mystery will be displayed better. 
          The chapter will have the same “lore” in it, but I’ll add some cool stuff. Maybe a message from someone else who is…how did Y/N put it
          “Wants a bite out of me.”


“If prophecy was what determined our choices, boy. We would have been butchered, maimed, and destroyed many moons ago. But unfortunately, for the rest of the world…that is our job.”


Yea ive been good! Did you see the inbox


You might have noticed (if you follow my books) that I haven't been posting as often.
          The reason for that is because the longer I write everything, and the longer this goes the more writing feels like a job. The more I’m scared to post a chapter because of the “bro you fell off!” or “Why is this so bad!” comments.
          And actually, I think that fear has gotten me worse at writing. I think it's burying my words under monotony.
          So, I’ve decided that I’m going to get back to writing for fun. And to be honest, some of the chapters might be bad, or they might be unrefined.
          But one thing is for sure, I’m going to have fun writing again


As long as your still writing it’s alright with me


@ Snsvette I'm glad you chose to write for fun, that you grabbed that fear and that feeling it's a job and send them to hell. Whoever says your chapters are bad is extremely wrong


I have the old draft of Notch. I’m going to decide if I should keep it private or publish it. If I do publish it, the Notch that is currently published will probably be taken down.
          Sorry, this is super confusing, I know, but I really want this series to be super understandable for everyone—as I’ve noticed people becoming increasingly disoriented with the book.
          Thanks, and I would love your input.


@ Snsvette I think that you should do what you think is best for the stories, Notch and the other ones, but be sure of it. I mean, I understand the latest version of Notch and I understood the other version, both are a bit confusing at times but that's clearly the idea, in one Y/N doesn't have memories and in the other one he doesn't know how to escape. I do remember that sometimes I wanted to know more about Y/N's journey than Annabeth and Percy's stories (how they handled it and all that), still it was a great story. So, do what you think is best for the stories and for yourself, what doesn't make things super hard to write or continue, either way, I'll read it entirely because I'm sure I'm gonna like it.