
Jadahx_ can you please have Amerie and Sabrina have a good relationship with each other, it would be nice if she had one relative to talk to, and it doesn't make sense that syre is so hostile towards her and selfish to not let her be around her. 


Jadahx_ can you please have Amerie and Sabrina have a good relationship with each other, it would be nice if she had one relative to talk to, and it doesn't make sense that syre is so hostile towards her and selfish to not let her be around her. 


@lisaloveblinks_ do you have a pinterest account, if you do can you please send me it to me please and i will explain to you why talk to you this way hon wattpad


@SnowdropGirl15 hey!! Sorry for the late reply, Wattpad sometimes didn't notify me. Speaking of that... No, I don't. I just use Google to search the cool pics from Pinterest. 


@--maximoff oh good cause i was gonna ask you if could you please get a english translator for your will byers book por favor;) it would mean a lot cause google translator doesn't always work, por favor?


@--Maximoff im a little confused by what you mean, im not asking you to translate it im asking if you could have someone to translate your book for you if you are busy. Plus i think it would help you get more viewers i am learning spanish but im not fluent yet, i want to read it but google translator isn't working


@ SnowdropGirl15  oh, that's Interesting, but i don't have time for my final test by collage, It would be very complicated for me :/


@lisaloveblinks_ if you're having writer's block you can let me know i will help you. Does selina have the ability does to have a beautiful singing voice cause that's what mermaids are known for


@SnowdropGirl15 actually, no (sorry to disappoint u for that HAHAHA) but her abilities are inspired from the tv show I watched when I was a kid and they're mermaids :) 
            Also, u can just message me instead of here. There's like a chatbox here in wattpad


@lisaloveblinks_ for continuing your will byers book


@SnowdropGirl15 ohh HAHAHAAH you're welcome for that!! I think I have sort of figured out about the storyline (but I still don't know what will happen in finale) anyways, happy reading!! 
            P.S. u can comment something on my message board so u don't have to mentioned me hehehe 