
I know, it's late, but I just want to point this out. The very first account I made back in 2019 I think, it never died. Even thought I can't go back to the old account, it's not fully dead just yet. And it's kind of surprising. Throughout these hard and stressful years... this has been something I enjoy doing for quite some time in my life. My English may not be good, but I like to give it a shot. I guess the reason I'm saying all this is... well... to thank you... all of you. There has been rough times, and stress, followed by depression, but seeing people enjoy what I do, and trying new things, just makes me want to do more. I do all this to make people happy. I go out of my way to put others first, because the happiness of someone else is a good deed to me. Again, thank you all. And I'm sorry to a few others as well. For things I've done, the things I've said, and the promises I broke. And... I can understand if you're still mad. It's all on me anyways and, I deserve to be yelled and attacked. With that being said, I might do the thing I did long ago, then quitted. So, expect the green alcoholic to return with the others for some surreal, and unexpected moments. Either if it's a dare, or some stupid situation they find themselves in. If you have no clue what I mean, then you'll see pretty soon. Goodnight everyone, I hope everyone is doing well during Covid. Stay safe, all of you


I know, it's late, but I just want to point this out. The very first account I made back in 2019 I think, it never died. Even thought I can't go back to the old account, it's not fully dead just yet. And it's kind of surprising. Throughout these hard and stressful years... this has been something I enjoy doing for quite some time in my life. My English may not be good, but I like to give it a shot. I guess the reason I'm saying all this is... well... to thank you... all of you. There has been rough times, and stress, followed by depression, but seeing people enjoy what I do, and trying new things, just makes me want to do more. I do all this to make people happy. I go out of my way to put others first, because the happiness of someone else is a good deed to me. Again, thank you all. And I'm sorry to a few others as well. For things I've done, the things I've said, and the promises I broke. And... I can understand if you're still mad. It's all on me anyways and, I deserve to be yelled and attacked. With that being said, I might do the thing I did long ago, then quitted. So, expect the green alcoholic to return with the others for some surreal, and unexpected moments. Either if it's a dare, or some stupid situation they find themselves in. If you have no clue what I mean, then you'll see pretty soon. Goodnight everyone, I hope everyone is doing well during Covid. Stay safe, all of you


So first, hello again!
          Secondly, what the hell happened in the 30 reply post underneath me, if you don’t mind me asking


@Your-Animator Yea... I didn't want another friend to get involved...


            Oh, alright, kinda glad that I always manage to miss the drama


@Your-Animator Well, to keep it short, somebody just had to ask about the drama, Sara got pissed, got PL into this mess, this got me annoyed, then long story short, it just ended. And kumosta Animator


Hi! Can I talk to you later I need to talk about a person you hurted and idk if you mean it or not


@SnowballTheFurry I'm sorry I commented here I've moved it now have a nice day Fren ^^