
Im happy you seem to like my book! You are one of the few people that always read it and im wery glad! Tell me if you want to know more about some characters or places! Like if you liked the parts where we are talking about ink, error, bad guys, star sanses, or the king or maybe the godverse! I would like to know ani feed back and thank you for reading!❤️


@ Flowyisdead4554  dream is not a bad person, he just has no idea how to work with negative emotions, his and his friends, he sometimes gets angty becuse he just has no idea how to work with stuff like his friends being sad becuse he just cant understand it, i wrote him dirty but i promise there will be more chapters when he will be a nice and polite guy


@Flowyisdead4554 вас никто не заставляет сменить ау, хотя иногда бывает полезно почитать другие работы, чтобы делать свои заметки и просто улучшать свою же работу. 
            По крайней мере, мне это помогало, когда я свои фанфики писала. 
            А что на счёт Дрима и Найтмера, я как бы непротив их характера, но хотелось бы знать, как они к такому характеру пришли. Особенно Дрим, так как он даже о своих не переживает, и это даже грустно.


I truly respect and love the cannon stories and characters! I just wanted to make this book mine to do all the stuff i want to do, so i will have to friendly refuse to watch the video becuse i feel like somebody is trying to force me change my Au, 
            My question in my first comment was, if you want to see more of my characters, or more places or story, i didnt asked for to be reminded that my Au is wrong even thought it isnt becuse its not cannon at all! Im trying to be friendly and i mean nothing towards you, i hope you understand my dear.