
          	I have enjoyed my time on wattpad but it’s time for me to go. I am preparing to transfers my stories to Ao3 and deleting this account in a week or a few days.
          	Due to wattpad releasing emails and information to the dark web in a breach I am no longer comfortable with this website. It makes me anxious and even changing emails didn’t help me so I’m taking this step to hopefully help. I understand things happen and it’s not their fault but my anxiety is extremely high. 
          	Everyone make sure your passwords are strong on here and anywhere else you use your email. Be careful and safe. 
          	This is my goodbye so farewell.
          	You are all amazing human beings.
          	Let 2021 be a good year. 


          	  Take care, alright? We'll miss you. *offers warm hug* I wish you all the luck in the world. 


          I have enjoyed my time on wattpad but it’s time for me to go. I am preparing to transfers my stories to Ao3 and deleting this account in a week or a few days.
          Due to wattpad releasing emails and information to the dark web in a breach I am no longer comfortable with this website. It makes me anxious and even changing emails didn’t help me so I’m taking this step to hopefully help. I understand things happen and it’s not their fault but my anxiety is extremely high. 
          Everyone make sure your passwords are strong on here and anywhere else you use your email. Be careful and safe. 
          This is my goodbye so farewell.
          You are all amazing human beings.
          Let 2021 be a good year. 


            Take care, alright? We'll miss you. *offers warm hug* I wish you all the luck in the world. 


Hey everyone!
          As we all can see 2020 has been a pretty horrible year so let me offer some encouragement to you all.
          You did it.
          You made it to the last stretch, maybe with a few scratches or a large wound (not necessarily physically). 
          It’s been a hard taxing year and you did it. 
          And you will do it again. 
          That light at the end of the tunnel is hard to see sometimes but it’s there I promise. You can feel overcome but you can become a overcomer because you are more amazing than you may think. 
          And even when you trip, stumble or fall you can get back up again and keep on going because you are great, amazing and strong.
          I know finals are around the corner for some or they’ve already happened so here’s a reminder that at the end of the day, your grades do not define you! 
          A all the way to a F, it doesn’t define you. And of anyone acts like it remind yourself that it doesn’t matter what your test said. 
          It’s ok to fail. Especially during these times. It happens and it’s ok. 
          If anyone needs someone to talk to send me a message. I’ll get to you as soon as possible, I’ll  offer advice or if you just want someone to listen I’ll do that too. 
          Have a great evening
          Love to all,


Sorry for the typos everyone I forgot to check for errors


Help, I can’t tell if I was asked on a date or not and now I’m panicking cause I accepted but I don’t know what to wear and stuff ahhhhhhh


@caramel__cookie thank you so much for the advice! ^^


uhmmm depends where you were going!! Whoever it was, wear what you’d usually wear. If you were going out with friends. just make sure it matches a vibe for where you’re going. That way, dressing up nicely shouldn’t matter based on if it’s a date or not! : )


I’m so happy! I’ve got a new job! My old one was not working well for me, they weren’t flexible on hours and kept having me close the store at night by my self. I never felt safe but now! I just got a new job with better hours and they don’t leave their employees to close alone in the middle of the night. And I’ll be making enough to move out and live on my own!


That moment your mom walks into your room and wants to know why you’re drawing headless rabbits.
          And then you have to try and explain that your doing a rabbit study to try and design a rabbit oc that has a skull for a head but you didn’t want to draw the skulls yet.
          But she still doesn’t get it so you get the ‘my child is a psychopath’ look as she leaves.


Pizza rolls are just edible Tod pods. 
          Prove me wrong.


@SmallVoltronTrash Oh those things, yeah they are gross too. In my opinion at least.


@UnknownAuthor707 no, hot pockets are different. Look up Totinos pizza rolls


College Woes
          Warm broth in my veins,
          Noodles make up everything. 
          Sodium, flavoring and bad things,
          All I can afford to eat today.
          Just a penny I can spare,
          Please feed me anything.
          A sad song of a college student,
          Wishes of no debt.
          I’ve lost weight since I’ve joined college. At least I know I don’t have to worry about gaining any weight lol. 


I found a spider in my room and call me a wimp but I’m crying and can’t sleep now.


@SmallVoltronTrash I felt that there was a spider in my room I went to kill it and it was gone I didnt go in my room for a week


@angstqueen_uwu I’m sorry you had to go through the same thing.
            I ended up sleeping upstairs on the couch 


@SmallVoltronTrash I felt this it happened to me 10 mins ago