
this message may be offensive
Well. Hey guys. OK OK BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME FOR NOT UPDATING MY STORIES IN LIKE OVER 2 YEARS- Let me explain. No I don’t have a good excuse accept COVID hit and I literally fell off the earth and died. But that’s not here nor there. HOWEVER, I’ve slowly been busy so there’s that. Ok but regarding those of you who have followed me for said posted stories, I’ve got news. 
          	For Field Trip: It’s currently in the works to be COMPLETELY rewritten and redone. I’ve counted and the original story (excluding AN’s and unimportant chapters) It’s only a measly 14,000 words :(. So far though I’m about 20,000 words into the rewrite and I am feeling pretty motivated for it so we’ll see when I can finish it (because I am NOT abandoning you guys and leaving you without updates again). Either way it’s in the works and coming out MUCH MUCH more fleshed out and done WAY better than before. Not saying it’s top notch writing but it is better than the shit that’s in the original. I WILL just be deleting all the current chapters posted and reuploading the new chapters under the same story so look for that(unless you suggest I do otherwise). But yeah that’s about it for that :D
          	Family: I’m ALSO rewriting this one, but it’s taking me much longer than Field Trip for some reason and has been in the works for almost a year and not nearly as close to finishing so I’m sorry abt that :/. I have no idea when it’s gonna be done but I’ll continue chipping at it till it’s completed. 
          	ANYWAYS! That’s it and all I wanted to let you know :)


this message may be offensive
Well. Hey guys. OK OK BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME FOR NOT UPDATING MY STORIES IN LIKE OVER 2 YEARS- Let me explain. No I don’t have a good excuse accept COVID hit and I literally fell off the earth and died. But that’s not here nor there. HOWEVER, I’ve slowly been busy so there’s that. Ok but regarding those of you who have followed me for said posted stories, I’ve got news. 
          For Field Trip: It’s currently in the works to be COMPLETELY rewritten and redone. I’ve counted and the original story (excluding AN’s and unimportant chapters) It’s only a measly 14,000 words :(. So far though I’m about 20,000 words into the rewrite and I am feeling pretty motivated for it so we’ll see when I can finish it (because I am NOT abandoning you guys and leaving you without updates again). Either way it’s in the works and coming out MUCH MUCH more fleshed out and done WAY better than before. Not saying it’s top notch writing but it is better than the shit that’s in the original. I WILL just be deleting all the current chapters posted and reuploading the new chapters under the same story so look for that(unless you suggest I do otherwise). But yeah that’s about it for that :D
          Family: I’m ALSO rewriting this one, but it’s taking me much longer than Field Trip for some reason and has been in the works for almost a year and not nearly as close to finishing so I’m sorry abt that :/. I have no idea when it’s gonna be done but I’ll continue chipping at it till it’s completed. 
          ANYWAYS! That’s it and all I wanted to let you know :)


So I'm back, never really left just huge writers block, AnYwAy. I will hopefully be posting more but I have virtually no clue. Plus homework is building up along with friend, parent, other relationships so its hard to incorporate writing into my schedule as well. But I'll try my hardest. But on my last post I said I was writing a book and stuff. I was wondering if I should post like a prolong or something so you can get a feel for it and you want to read it? That's it and yeah...


Thanks I’ll definitely look into it


Sorry I haven’t updated. I’m beating myself up for it and again I really sorry but good news is I’m making a new story and not publishing it until I’m done with it so you won’t have to wait for updates. Anyway see you soon I guess