
Alright, after three years of working on it, I have actually concluded ‘To Protect the Dragonborn’!
          	Now I’m planning to go back and re-proofread, make any needed edits, and then maybe actually get around to entering it into the fanfiction category of the Watty’s… because, hey, why not?
          	Thank you again to all of you who’ve been reading! I really appreciate you!


I absolutely enjoy your work!! And you and a few other writers on here have inspired me to try and write my own books! So thank you for the inspiration!! Hope you have a wonderful day!


Thank you!!! Your comment made my day! Best of luck with your writing, and I hope you have a wonderful day too!


Alright, after three years of working on it, I have actually concluded ‘To Protect the Dragonborn’!
          Now I’m planning to go back and re-proofread, make any needed edits, and then maybe actually get around to entering it into the fanfiction category of the Watty’s… because, hey, why not?
          Thank you again to all of you who’ve been reading! I really appreciate you!


Hello all, I hope you’ve been enjoying my stories. I really appreciate all of the votes and kind comments! 
          Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I’ll be having a fairly major surgery this week so that will obviously be impacting my writing schedule… just not sure for how long.
          Here’s hoping my recovery time will be the relaxing time I need to actually write the conclusion for To Protect the Dragonborn. 


We actually got to take our family summer vacation this year!  So I’ve been lacking time to really write, but I may have kept myself awake on the drive by brainstorming… and chaos with the in-laws is always prone to become story fodder… 
          So now we’re home and the kids start school in a few weeks. We’ll have to see if I can write down all the ideas I had before they leak back out of my brain…
          I might finally try my hand at an original work instead of a fanfiction…


A comment left on one of your stories still bugs me to this day about something about people should know what dragons are and whatever and I just wanted to let you know that your stories are so brilliant and all the dialogue and every last detail you put in is accurate and I just think it's absolutely incredible what youre doing and writing and how much you care about the game to know all the details. It's my favourite game and I'm so happy when I get to read your writing after work xx ♡


Ugh, I know exactly which comment you mean too, I really appreciated your response to it though. There were several of them from that one reader, and it took me some restraint to be polite, lol.
            And thank you so much for this comment, it really made my week.
            Skyrim and writing are my stress relief and escape from the real world, and I love that I can bring some joy to others with that as well. I’m really glad to know you enjoy my work. :)


I am so invested in all of your stories. Reading gives me a break from my reality. I'm able to plunge head first into a world without depression and anxiety and for a few short hours I'm free. Thank you for sharing your stories, I can't wait to read them all. 
          (Sidenote, this has nothing to do with anything but I named my youngest Daedric . Skyrim has been my escape for so long )


Oh this post made my day! Thank you!
            And I completely understand, Skyrim and writing are my destress and unwind outlets… a good healthy break from reality. 
            (Also, that is an awesome name!)


Writing is typically my stress relief, but since my kids have been on break I haven’t had time to think or write on my more involved stories, so one-shots abound lately. My kids go back to homeschooling Monday... we’ll see what happens.