
this message may be offensive
Alright guys! Finally I finished another story. Don't worry, my next story will be about the second game. Even though the second game makes me kind of sad every time I mention it. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't played or watched the game. Also, I'm pretty shitty with the monthly updates thing. I shouldn't say shit that I'm not going to do. But I'll try this time...maybe.


Hey, when will you update Prototype 2? I was waiting for the update, though. ;-;


I'm excited to see more epic action chapters with Ethan, Alex and Heller! XD


I'm glad to hear that— And also I'm ready for the new chapters of Prototype 2


Hey bro, realized your not really active, just wanted to say that your a great author, your Far Cry 3 book is like my favorite book on wattpad, thanks for writing.


I just want to say thank you for writing that comment. It left a big smile on my face knowing that someone enjoys my cringey writing lol. 


this message may be offensive
Alright guys! Finally I finished another story. Don't worry, my next story will be about the second game. Even though the second game makes me kind of sad every time I mention it. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't played or watched the game. Also, I'm pretty shitty with the monthly updates thing. I shouldn't say shit that I'm not going to do. But I'll try this time...maybe.


Hey guys, long time no see! Anyways, I wanted to let you guys know that a I'm going to be finishing up Far Cry 4 soon (hopefully sometime this week) and then going back to The New Prototype. After that, I'm going to do a story about Prototype 2, then I'm finished! I think the next story is going to be about Until Dawn, but I'm going to write another post about that later when I'm done with everything. In addition, I wanted to make monthly updates with you guys because I feel like I don't talk to you guys enough. So I guess this is your monthly update (pretty crappy I know).


Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you all that I apologize for the lack of activity. I hope that life will just give me a break so I can sit down and write a story. Anyways, I'm not dead if anyone was thinking that. Furthermore, I've been unmotivated lately to write so to make myself feel better I'm going to play video games (stupid I know, but it helps). That's it for now, so good day!


Hey guys, so I've been very busy lately with school and such which results in me not being able to create a story but now I am (sort of) back in business! The story that I wanted to do is the video game Dishonored and I was going to do Far Cry 4, but I haven't played the game yet so that would have to wait (I know I'm slow). But all in all I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead and I'm still here...on my computer...yeah...I'm a dumb, but anyways that's the end of my message so good bye!