
Hi everyone. Wow it’s 2023!!
          	A lot has happened since I’ve been away. 
          	I’ve gotten married, I’ve had 2 kids, and life is pretty busy as an actual adult. 
          	I came back to Wattpad and saw my old stories and I can’t help but just facepalm. 
          	Then I try to remember that I was a kid lol. 
          	Anyways, I might be making a comeback, not sure yet! I have a story in the works and we shall see how it goes. 
          	~Sincerely, Sky- a very busy momma of 2 toddlers!~


Hi everyone. Wow it’s 2023!!
          A lot has happened since I’ve been away. 
          I’ve gotten married, I’ve had 2 kids, and life is pretty busy as an actual adult. 
          I came back to Wattpad and saw my old stories and I can’t help but just facepalm. 
          Then I try to remember that I was a kid lol. 
          Anyways, I might be making a comeback, not sure yet! I have a story in the works and we shall see how it goes. 
          ~Sincerely, Sky- a very busy momma of 2 toddlers!~


Hey guys. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I have a day off of life today and it's so nice! I've been going to school, then internship, then work almost everyday and I'm so tired! I go from 6:30am to 11:30pm every night without a nap or anything. I'm a sleeper, and I'm NOT a morning or a night person. Ugh I'm so tired. I think I'm sick today tbh. Ugh. Gonna rest my headache now . I've been so tired, I've been skipping meals just to catch up on sleep. I've lost quite a few pounds. I'm 17 years old, I'm 5'5", and I weigh only 100 pounds. I need to eat. Ugh. 


Well everyone,... It's September 11th,... What happened 15 years ago was tragic. At the time, I was 2 years old when it happened. My aunt was at school, watching everything that was happening on the news. Schools were letting students out to mourn over the fallen heroes. This was a very tragic day. My dad has worked in the World Trade Center before, so it was heartbreaking to realize that that could've been him. My heart goes out to everyone who is still mourning over that day. God bless. 
          9/11/16 :(