
Just wanted to say Happy Easter to all of you wonderful people. Also to anyone who can't have chocolate remember due to pregnancy right now (mama) just remember you can always put chocolate in your hospital bag for after the baby is born 
          	( •.•) 
          	(>Happy Easter 


@Skylar_Boo2370 she's due a day before me xD!!! I'm due July 27th. And thank you lol. 


@DitzyDoo422 my brother is due on the 26th of July but will probably come a lot sooner due to her low lying placenta. Also congrats on the pregnancy! (even though it's really late to say it)


@Skylar_Boo2370 haha, almost sounds like me right now. My baby is due in July, so this summer is gonna be fun lol. I wish her luck on her pregnancy ♡


Just wanted to say Happy Easter to all of you wonderful people. Also to anyone who can't have chocolate remember due to pregnancy right now (mama) just remember you can always put chocolate in your hospital bag for after the baby is born 
          ( •.•) 
          (>Happy Easter 


@Skylar_Boo2370 she's due a day before me xD!!! I'm due July 27th. And thank you lol. 


@DitzyDoo422 my brother is due on the 26th of July but will probably come a lot sooner due to her low lying placenta. Also congrats on the pregnancy! (even though it's really late to say it)


@Skylar_Boo2370 haha, almost sounds like me right now. My baby is due in July, so this summer is gonna be fun lol. I wish her luck on her pregnancy ♡


Hiya! I know it's been ages since I've posted anything on here. Well I'm having to delete all my stories as wattpad won't let me post any more chapters on any of them. Apologies to those who had been promised updates on certain stories. I'll try hard when I start writing again 
          Yours, Skylar Boo


@Skylar_Boo2370 that makes me feel happy! Apologies I haven't been active for over a year, my mental health was really playing up as well as school being really intense


            Aww yeee it's always nice to have an old pal back! Welcome again!!


XD are ya dead?  How's it going?


@VinnyFox it's going good, though this contract is killing my instinkns with the amount of stuff i have to do before i actully sighn the contrct. XD no i am not dead btw. hope ur doing okay though, cause nobody said anything. i thourgh yall gave up on meh! like i said if u wanna email me my email adress is:


hiya guys! im really exited as i have now got my first story on something called!
          this means i will be really slow at posting as i have to publish 2 chapters ahead on the other app. i really hope yall understand as this is really importent as this girl Serena is helping me sign the non-exclusef contract. please dont hte me for this! I really hope yall understand! will still post on other storis so dont worry! email me if you have any concerns or want to get a non excluesef contrace at