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Honestly, the only good thing that's happened over the past couple of days is that on Sunday, my boyfriend surprised me with a heart-shaped pizza that he made while he was at work (yes, he works at a pizza place making pizza and all that shit,) and he had it delivered to where my friends and I were hanging out. No one that I've ever been in a relationship with has done anything like that for me, so it definitely meant a lot to me that he thought to do that


Hi, I have no idea if you’re still active, I just wanted to let you know that your Markiplier x Reader book “Breathless” was a big inspiration for my first book “Second Chances”. It’s an NateWantsToBattle x Fem! Reader, and I just wanted to let you know how well you write angst.


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Honestly, the only good thing that's happened over the past couple of days is that on Sunday, my boyfriend surprised me with a heart-shaped pizza that he made while he was at work (yes, he works at a pizza place making pizza and all that shit,) and he had it delivered to where my friends and I were hanging out. No one that I've ever been in a relationship with has done anything like that for me, so it definitely meant a lot to me that he thought to do that


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and should just go over and hang out at my boyfriend's house or my mom's house. But no, like the dumbass I am, I ignored them, and ended up almost getting myself and my boyfriend killed. This situation is 100% my fault, and I take full responsibility for it. I hate myself for not listening, I hate myself for not taking the few seconds of opportunity that I had to get into the driver's seat, start the car, and get the fuck out of there, and I hate myself for being such a bad girlfriend and putting my boyfriend in that shitty situation.
          TL;DR: My boyfriend and I got robbed at gunpoint. We got our phones and backpacks stolen. Phones were found, but backpacks are still missing. We're physically okay. We're mentally very shaken up. Taking it one day at a time currently.


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there for each other. We had a pretty good time, though while my boyfriend and I tried to get some sleep on the living room floor with a pillow and blanket (he, thankfully, ended up getting some sleep. I, however, did not,) I had yet another breakdown. While I was lying there, I kept reliving the incident over and over again, and what finally broke me down was reliving my boyfriend's panic attack. It physically hurt me and broke my heart to see him in that state and hear him cry the way that he did. This breakdown seemed to have pretty good timing because it happened not long after my boyfriend woke up and as soon as he realized that it was happening, wrapped his arms around me and called our other friends over so that they could help too and so we could all do a group hug.
          Once I was able to get myself off of the floor, I hugged everyone again and we played Cards Against Humanity to help my boyfriend and I distract ourselves and put smiles on our faces (which actually worked for both of us.) I then left after cleaning the mess that the thieves left in my car (they tossed shit that they found while looking through the car and didn't want around and left a mess) and looking at the remainders of fingerprint dust that was left behind when the police came by and dusted the car for fingerprints (they actually ended up getting some, but I don't know if they belong to the thieves or me and my boyfriend or if the fingerprints are good quality or not,) dropping my friends off at their house, stopping by my step-dad's house and picking up the phone that I'm using temporarily until I get my phone back and talking to him for a little while.
          Thankfully, I was able to get a good night's rest last night, and since my little sister's  sick, I'm babysitting her and currently not home alone, which, for once, is actually super nice.
          Honestly, the only thing that I regret is not listening to my mom or my boyfriend's parents when they told me that I shouldn't go to that park anymore


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to try and help us get some sleep (neither of us ended up sleeping AT ALL that night,) my boyfriend's mom had us lay in her comfy as fuck bed and put on some music for us. While we were laying there, we ended up making small talk in order to both attempt to tire ourselves out and lighten up the mood with some funny/positive stories that we have.
          I eventually ended up leaving my boyfriend's house when my mom came to pick me up and take me home. My mom and I talked in the car about the incident and other things, and we stopped at both Starbucks to get some drinks and at the police station to check the status of my phone since it was taken by the police as evidence and to attempt to find the thieves' fingerprints on it and/or on my boyfriend's phone. I later found out when I went in to give the police my fingerprints and tell them everything that happened that it's probably going to be quite a while before my boyfriend and I are able to get our phones back (they said that it takes one to two months ON AVERAGE to get fingerprints,) which, not gonna lie, REALLY pisses me off because I was at least wanting/hoping to regain at least one thing back from those fuckers that stole all of my shit.
          Anyway, I went back home and tried to get some sleep, which didn't really work out since not long after I FINALLY managed to fall asleep, I was woken up by the doorbell ringing and my dog barking. I got up and answered it, and it was my friends at the door. They brought me some hot chocolate and some other comfort items such as blankets and stuffed animals and food (which I didn't end up eating because I was sick to my stomach because of anxiety and adrenaline and all of the other emotions.) It provided a good distraction, and I spent a couple of hours playing Wii Party down in the basement before my step-dad came and picked us up and took me to the police station to give my fingerprints and statement and then took us back to my boyfriend's house so that we could all hang out and be


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(Con.yet again) from it, and thank God that he did because he later told me that he did it because he felt like he was going to pass out. I don't even want to know how I would've reacted or what would've ended up happening if he actually did pass out, so thank God for that water bottle being there. He was still shaking and crying a bit while he was drinking water, and I was rubbing his back. A few moments later, he stopped crying and shaking and left the room without saying anything. After the door closed behind him, the emotions that I had put aside in order to focus on my boyfriend and helping him came rushing back and I covered my face and sobbed. I soon felt my boyfriend pull me into a hug and hold me close once he came back into the room. I also heard him tell our friends, who were on Discord video chat the entire time and only saying things as attempts to comfort my boyfriend rather than help me get him through his panic attack since they didn't know what to do either, that he was sorry for having a panic attack right in front of them (he's like me in the sense that he also doesn't really like to cry or show negative emotions around people,) and we all told him that it was okay and that it was good that he was finally allowing himself to let it all out rather than just bottling it up.
          We talked to our friends for a little while longer before we got off of Discord video chat and went back out to the living room and talked to my boyfriend's mom for a little bit. This eventually led to another breakdown on my end, and they both kept telling me that everything's okay and the only thing that truly mattered was that both me and my boyfriend were okay. Speaking of that, I haven't really considered whether or not I'm glad that I myself am okay because the only things that I've considered are I'm super fucking glad that my boyfriend's okay and I'm so incredibly pissed off that our shit got stolen and that there's still some things that are missing.
          Anyway, in order


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(Con. again) , which resulted in the keychain that he had on the keyring breaking. Afterward, he got into the passenger seat, demanded me to get into the driver's seat and just drive. I did what I was told because that was the only thing that could and should be done at that time. Plus, due to my past with being struck by my mom during one of her angry outbursts a few years ago, I was afraid that he was going to hit me if I didn't just listen to what he said. Every time I would try and say something, he would tell me to shut up, and I would apologize over and over again several times.) scared the shit out of me and I was genuinely scared that he would hurt me. He apologized and said that he would never hurt me and that he didn't mean to get angry like that, but, which is completely understandable given the situation, his emotions got the better of him, and he lashed out as a result.
          This third breakdown of mine didn't last long since everything seemed to hit him all at once (he distracted himself from his feelings by frantically helping the police and his parents find his phone using the Find My iPhone program on his mom's computer and by pacing back and forth in the kitchen and living room when he wasn't doing anything,) and he ended up having a panic attack. Now, I had never helped anyone during a panic attack, so I literally had no idea what I was doing while I was trying to help him calm down. I kept telling him that it was okay, that he was okay, that I was okay, that everything was okay, and that I was there and not going anywhere while I switched from running my fingers through his hair and rubbing his back while all of this was going on. After a bit, I also began telling him to take slow and deep breaths, which he soon started doing, thankfully. He ended up reaching for a water bottle that was nearby and taking a sip out of it, which I let him do since I figured that he needed it to help him feel better. After he did that, he sat up and continued to drink


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(Con.) backpacks still haven't been found, and now that it's officially been over 24 hours since the robbery, I'm slowly getting more and more worried that they're never going to be found.
          Thankfully, my mom canceled my debit card since, in my traumatized state, I didn't think to have one of my boyfriend's parents do it for me, so the only money that they truly stole from me was the $10 to $20 dollars that I had in cash and all of the change that I had in my coin purse. Since my wallet got stolen, I now have to wait to get my new debit card in the mail, go get a new license, and go get a new ID for work, which is going to be such a pain in the ass. Luckily, for some odd reason, my boyfriend's wallet was in his back pocket, and the attackers didn't take it as a result of (probably) not seeing it since we were both sitting down and frantically giving them our stuff so that we wouldn't get shot.
          Physically, both me and my boyfriend are completely okay. As for mentally, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't pretty fucked up. Over the last day and a half, I've had about four separate breakdowns that are completely related to the incident. The first one happened when I went inside and sat in the kitchen with my boyfriend's mom while he and his dad called the cops and gave information to them (somehow, I managed to completely calm down and give the officer my information when he asked me to do so. No idea how I did that, but I did.) The second one happened while I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend as his mom was trying to get ahold of my step-dad to let him know everything that happened and we were both just wanting to be in each other's presence more than anything at the time. The third one happened while we were in my boyfriend's room talking to my friends on Discord video chat on his laptop and after I confessed to him that his outburst right after the men ran off (he got out of the car, screamed at the top of his lungs, and threw his keys down onto the ground


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Hey guys, sorry that I've been pretty inactive for a little while, especially over this last day and a half or so, life's been pretty hectic since there's rarely been a moment where I'm not working or spending time with my friends and/or bf (yes, shockingly, I have a bf, and we've been together for almost two months; it'll actually be exactly two months this coming Saturday.) And during the moments of free time that I've had, for the most part, I haven't really felt motivated to get on here to roleplay, so I'm sorry about that.
          This level of inactivity is probably going to continue (or I might go back to being as active as I was before I got busy, who knows? We'll just have to see) since something really terrible happened early Tuesday morning. What is this terrible thing?
          My boyfriend and I were robbed at gunpoint.
          It happened at about 1:30 AM on Tuesday. We were sitting in my car at the park that's near his house cuddling in the backseat when these two men dressed in all black came up to us and asked if we were alright. We told them that we were, and they walked a few feet away. After they walked away a bit, my boyfriend and I looked at each other with a look that said, "They seem really suspicious. We should leave." But before I could actually climb into the driver's seat, the two men ran back to the car. One of them threw open the door that my complete and utter dumbass didn't lock, pointed a gun extremely close to my boyfriend's head, and demanded us to give them all of our stuff. We did just that because we had a choice of our stuff or our lives and we, obviously, chose our lives. They ended up taking both of our phones and both of our backpack. My backpack had my wallet, my coin purse and my earbuds in it. His backpack had his Nintendo Switch, his work clothes, and his D&D dice in it. As of now, the phones have been found (they were actually found by the police not long after we quickly drove back to my boyfriend's house and called them,) but our...