
So, like promised, I am back. I have gained a TON of weight. I have started my own personal diary but I haven't decided if I should put it on Wattpad. I might put an innocent title so it will less likely be reported as well as save it on my computer so I can always put it back up xx


So, like promised, I am back. I have gained a TON of weight. I have started my own personal diary but I haven't decided if I should put it on Wattpad. I might put an innocent title so it will less likely be reported as well as save it on my computer so I can always put it back up xx


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You. Bitch. That's all I have to say. Someone reported me and now my diary is gone. What the hell! I hope you die slowly. You'll probably die of obesity. Enjoy that cupcake, love. That diary took up bloody ages to write. But I am writing another one, as promised on the 12th June. I will save a copy on my computer, so taking that one down won't help. I'll just re-post it.


@PhoenixMikalson  I am so sorry for your situation, but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on others. My book does not encourage anorexia, so it must have been something else. Probably you.


@MissLewinskyGrey He is unbearable... He can go ahead and delete my account. I'll just create another one under a different name and he won't be able to find me mwahahaha. Thank you for your support :) How do I block him lol. xxx lots of love


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            God Phoenix Leave her the fuck alone! You cannot stop us or ME so stop trying! Some people want this lifestyle as others don't. She may choose recovery or not it's her choice but you have no right to choose for her. WE ARE SO DONE I AM CHANGING MY PASSWORD AND BLOCKING YOU!!!
            Please just ignore him he's been doing this for a while all because he's pissed that he has to be in the hospital and I'm still pro Ana. He reported my Ana diary as well which is why I don't have one and I settle for writing about it. Just keep posting, block him, and keep going!❄


I am saying goodbye until the 12 June, I am so sorry! But exams are so important and I need to focus all my energies into them. And yes, that mans giving up wattpad and being Pro Ana until then and I am so sorry those of you who feel let down. Rest assured, I am going to say under 112 pounds. But as soon as 12th June rolls around, I am going to be back and on my dieting again until I reach my goal! Love you guys xxx