
If anyone would like to know why the tournament story was now just put back up reasons it was under review making sure it wasn't too much for what the new guidelines for Wattpad was, summarize it all it's all good now and nothing's really going to change


If anyone would like to know why the tournament story was now just put back up reasons it was under review making sure it wasn't too much for what the new guidelines for Wattpad was, summarize it all it's all good now and nothing's really going to change


Hello I've got a question for you if you don't mind. Do you take requests?


@ Skinny40K  it doesn't work so I will send ya my username


Two things, won the tournament story will be put back up it was taken down for review so they'll be putting that back up soon if you noticed that was off it wasn't my choice but you know it's not deleted it will be coming back, second of all if you saw the latest chapter of the Yokai Dragon it is not done it was published by mistake and I'm still working on it lot of grammar and only half of what I was working on so far is actually been put up so yeah sorry about that I am constantly working on it when I get a chance


Hey everyone, I wanted to clarify why the dragon of the Phoenix isn't being worked on right now. It takes a lot of effort for me to do that. I've been thinking of ideas; I have tons of them. It's just choosing which ones to go with and tackling some serious matters like PTSD. I'm trying to do a lot of things with it and also messing with some canon aspects. For people wondering why I stopped, it was hard to think of everything and get a clear picture at first. After having to go back and fix a lot of old chapters in the Yokai dragon and not change things that are going to happen in the upcoming chapters that were already out, I want to do it right the first time instead of going back and correcting all the time, especially for spelling mistakes. However, I am currently working on the next Yokai Dragon chapter. I'm going to try to make it a longer one because there's a lot I want to delve into. I kind of want to get to the action scenes, but this chapter will have a lot more information. So stay tuned for updates on that. I started a new job and things are getting better, so I just wanted to let everyone know I haven't abandoned my stories. I know a lot of people enjoy them.


@Skinny40K Sure buddy. Take your time, you need to adjust yourself after everything has happened.


@HattoriHeiji121 I know what you meant, I have seen those they're all on my priority list but they're like secondary maybe third mainly because the story is still readable, have gone through those chapters a lot and fix the majority of the issues there is a lot more before I still intend to fix them, we're trying to figure out as for like the truth comes out part 4 I know of parts of it from the word document got glitch somehow and it's missing parts and I've been replacing it as I see it. But I do appreciate you informing me some of those I didn't realize but I'll go in there and fix them when I get a chance


@Skinny40K Check Yokai Dragon: Starting from Broken Heart until Reunited part 3. I have input the corrections that needs to be fixed. The rest, you read once more and you find out the errors.


Are you still working on the Dragon of the Phoenix story??


@Dragon-Slayer454 yes, I just had some more ideas hit me for the Yokai Dragon, I usually bounce between my stories, unless I actually put them on hold, but once I'm done and ready to move on I'm going to give the dragon of the Phoenix my full attention for awhile 


So at this point I am going to focus on, the dragon of the Phoenix, and the Yokai dragon. Things happen getting better A lot of stuff is happening I got a new job but that motivation is slowly coming back to right again I have a lot of ideas and I just wanted to give everyone a heads up those two stories will most likely be my two focus right now when I get back to writing.


@demonnh I appreciate that and I think once the next part of the tournament comes out, I'm going to probably get back on the Yokai Dragon just because the dragon of the Phoenix I have ideas for but going from what I have already gone through what happened and how that story is kind of getting into some more darker and themes of what happened in the story I'm just kind of holding off on that, I am going to try to turn those like negative emotions and help influence the story a little bit and put some real meaning behind the dragon of the Phoenix when I get back to it. That's going to be something I'm looking forward to but I think the Yokai dragon it being one of the first stories I actually started writing I think it should be at least the first one that gets finished


@Skinny40K love the stories so take your time enjoy what you want as you have to put yourself first.  Can’t wait to see what you have next for us.


@HajimeZero4665 just glad that I'm finally seeing light at the end of this dark tunnel so things are getting better and I can start also helping with the tournament to


Hey everyone I just wanted to let everyone know I know I haven't been active on here as much like I've said in the last post I've had a lot of significant things happen, I lost a friend dealing with the circumstances around that has been very emotionally draining along with stressful between family and friends grieving, along with preparing a funeral with his family and getting some of his stuff dealt with, I will get back on the stories. I can't promise any of the current ones that are going to get started anytime soon just cuz I'm fully not mentally there but the tournament, at least continue because it's not mine alone it's everyone working together so. Just wanted to say sorry for my absence, things have been very stressful and hopefully within the next month things will start to come back to normal and I can get back doing this that helps relax me and calm my nerves and put this nightmare of a chapter of my life behind me and look forward to something better.


I just wanted to say that I really appreciate having 300 people follow me in just a few months. I appreciate everyone who enjoys my stories. I've also been dealing with a lot of personal stuff; some tragic things happened, not directly to me, but to people I know. It's been very difficult. If anyone's been wondering why I haven't been too active, it's because things have been difficult. Writing is something I enjoy; it helps relieve my stress and takes me out of the mundane reality of the real world, which we all know can kind of suck. So, I'm sorry for my absence. I can't say any stories will be published right away; I need to get back into that mindset. But I do plan on continuing them, and luckily I have good people around me who are supporting me, so things should get back on track. I just want everyone to know how much I appreciate those who enjoy my stories and support me.


@Skinny40K  No worries bro , you have my full support and Take your time bro 


Talk about a story the battle of universal issei's all around show them what's are when broken or two over powering forces clash everyone you better stay tuned your in fo a story of the best kind entertainment and what a shame I forgot my popcorn.