
Hey guys! 
          	Please check out my story: The Decaying.
          	It’s still being written, but it’s my proudest piece, and I’m really happy with how it’s turning out!
          	Also, let me know in the comments whether you are #TeamBayl or #TeamJayley 
          	Thanks everyone who has/is reading the story!
          	Love you all xxx


So my idea for my book was starting off in Ben's memories for a little, then eventually like 2 chapters after he meets Sally and they become friends, (btw Zalgo is in control of all the cyber ghost/exe's) after a while Ben turns on Zalgo and the other cyber ghost/exe's. That's pretty much my idea idk what to do after they turn against Zalgo. So tell me what you think about it. Sorry if it is hard to understand I was typing this on my bus and people like to look at what people are doing.


Just read it, that’s sounding awesome so far!!! Can’t wait to read the rest 


@QueenMoonstorm oooh okay, I’ll check it out now!!


@SketchaCreeps Chapter 1 is out along with a character list. I hope you like the first chapter. I didn't want to spend all day on it.


Love love love your books 


Thank you sooooo much!!!! This really makes me smile!!!! Have you read The Decaying? I think that's my personal best. The others I wrote over the past few years, The Decaying is one I'm in the middle of now, and is my best piece of writing I've ever done ❤️❤️❤️


Hey everyone, just wanted to shoot out a quick question for you all: what should my next story be about???
          I would love to do a romance/cute story, but it must be along the creepy/horror genre. I just can't think do any ideas. 
          What about Creepypasta Ships? Anyone have a CP ship they want me to do a story about? Please let me know!! 
          My stories are slowing down from lack of ideas!!!!!


@SketchaCreeps  Masky x Jane the Killer