
HELLO long time no see! If you haven't yet seen I am writing a new story called a Table For Two! If you hadn't read the first part, I suggest doing so before the next part comes out TOMORROW! It will be published around 5pm tomorrow! Stay tuned and enjoy!


HELLO long time no see! If you haven't yet seen I am writing a new story called a Table For Two! If you hadn't read the first part, I suggest doing so before the next part comes out TOMORROW! It will be published around 5pm tomorrow! Stay tuned and enjoy!


Hey guys its inspectorcos here. New name change and new updates. I have been inspired recently to write once more an hopefully my writing style has improved a lot since last time. 
          But fear not I shall be around more often. I hope to make writing a career for myself once more an hopefully you can enjoy the wonders of my fantasy worlds as I do. The new series I will be working on is an original piece, something I constantly dream about an trust me my dreams are weird sometimes.
          Not entirely sure what I will call it officially but so far the idea of the first book title is "The First Child Of The Moon" but may change that for the last one we'll see. Just thought I'd give a sneak peek ;)


I feel like I should just delete my wattpad account because I haven't updated in almost a year. I haven't the time nor the inspiration to write and I wish I did have inspiration. I used to love writing, writing was my inspiration and I hope it will come back to me. I won't delete my account because I know a lot of you enjoy the books that I haven't unpublished so I'll leave it up. But I can't guarantee that I will update anything anytime soon, or ever again. I'm sorry


            Just because you dont write doesnt mean you hate it. Yes, you may never have inspiration but that doesnt mean you cant write down tiny things and slowly find something to write.
            It doesnt matter how long it takes to find that tiny spark but once you find it, its there. 
            People will also continue to read your stories no matter how bad you think they may be, doesnt matter how often you update because someone will continue yo read and enjoy your writing 


Sorry everyone. I will most likely not be continuing the bnha 2nd gen book and I know you all love it even though I'm not the best with writing, i just cant. I've tried continuing it but it's been months, I just don't have the passion, or heart, to even try anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I have the next 2 days off I should be able to update a bit. But idk how I'll feel...emotionally. But those are the best times for me to update books, so we'll see.


Ok your mental health is more important so if your not emotionally ok then don’t update please I think I speak for everyone that we can wait ❤️❤️