
Has anybody ever realized that Tamaki from Ouran Host Club is low key like Oikawa from Haikyuu?


Kay so I know nobody ever really reads this stuff, so I'm just gonna say what I'm feeling and hope nobody I actually know reads it. I think I'm about to lose my mind. I genuinely feel like I'm going crazy. I may have just screwed things up with my best friend(MochiChan), and now I can't have the brother-sister relationship with her bf (who is awesome and is like the best big brother figure ever). Before that happened, I screwed things up with my best guy friend, who really wAs like my big brother. He hates me now. And rn I feel completely and totally psycho. My little sister likes to sleep in my room a lot, and while I was making myself food she came in my room and laid down on some blankets on the floor. When I came back, I internally freaked out and yelled and her to leave because part of me wanted to hurt her. I don't feel in control unless I get myself into this psycho bitch mindset. The best thing I can compare it with would be somethin like void stiles from teen wolf. I feel so unbalanced, like I'm on a tightrope and I'm going to fall, unless I'm feelin psycho. Idk what to do. Rn the best solutions I got are A) get someone to screw my brains out and hope it goes away for a bit and B) go to sleep and never wake up, which I haven't considered in a long time. Advice is welcomed, criticism is definitely deserved, and silence is fine. I hope everyone is doing much better than I am. May God be with you all.


@Silverhunt1027 it usually helps me when things are happening in my life


@Silverhunt1027 I don't know any GOOD advice for your situation but maybe try relaxing until you feel a bit better again I don't think (my opinion) it's a good one but you'll never know and yes I know it's a bit late but if something gets you upset try relaxing and listening to music idk 


Heyyy how are you ?:)
          Do you want to take a quick look at my fanfiction called "Limerence" ?
          It's with Draco Malfoy and Jared Leto in a private university with pretty much drama and random stuff Haha, people say they like it so far, but I'd love to know your opinion as well <3
          Feel free to comment there and in case you like it - I'd be super happy to get a vote ❤ 
          Have a great day xx


Okay, this just happened and I had to share. My sister, Shay, and I were having an argument. I grab a sock and pretend it's an arrow, and yell "You've failed this city!!" I let the sock loose at her and she catches it. Immediately she gets up and says, "Master has given Dobby a sock," she gets starts running. "Dobby is FREEEEEEE!!!!" She ran out of the house and my mom is just sitting there like, wth just happened??


Has anyone ever realized that people who spend time on their phone constantly don't really have a life? I mean I don't mean it as an insult but really, I have no life so I try to get away from reality by reading fanfiction and books all day