
it's 2021 nobody should be reading anything i've written this is so concerning, are yall ok?? therapy session in the comments xoxo


@Silverhaunter It's 2021, delta variant keeps us home so more time for wattpad which means more chance for readers.


Hey dude I just wanted to apologize if any of my comments in your stories came acrossed as hurtful or unkind, reason I'm not sending this as a private message is because I also want to let everyone who read your stories know that I'm I'm apologizing to you so then they won't feel the need to defend you if things are cool between us, so are we cool?


Someone named Auramessi or something similar messages me last year, and all I can read of it is ‘Dear Silverhaunter’ I’m curious as to what the rest says, but the account is now deactivated, so if this was you, please shoot me a message! I’d love to chat. 


this message may be offensive
Well damn. I’ve been just. gone for at least two years. And I’ve gained 200 followers in that absence. I honestly don’t know why, since a lot of the writing I did was cheesy and silly and dumb— but it’s. well. damn, you know? 612 followers. that’s insane. So lots of shit has gone down in my life. I have a service dog now, I’m training a therapy dog, i got a tattoo, man we wildin.


Gabogame3 lol yea, it's hella outdated tho. Let me just fix that


@Echo_rose_Heart : YOU AIN'T DEAD
            Me: *looks at profile pic* coincidence? I THINK NOT-


          Uh, I know you're probably inactive n' all..
          Annnd I never really commented but,
          How've you been, buddy?
          I know you've had quite the time with your depression waves. 
          And I get it, times can be hard!
          So uh, just wanted to check in on you..
          See ya :)


@th3anonymousepotato bro thank you for reaching out u a real one


Hey,Silverhaunter,I really like your jurassic world fanfic Not so Human anymore,can you try to read my jurassic world fanfic once you get the chance,that will be appericated


            I'll try! I've been a little bit busy as of late, but I'll try to check it out! 
            Thank you so much!


Oh, I forgot to mention something. Bud, can you do me a favor? More like a promise, or somethin' like that.
          Can you promise me to, and no, I'm not trying to offend you pr anything. But, can you not, like, hate Undertale or it's fandom?
          I-I'm sorry if it's offending you or anything. It's just that peeps who used to love Undertale and it's fandom has been giving hate and stuff at it. 
          Well, can you promise me that, buddy?


            I agree with you. I've had my moments where I get interested in Undertale again, but the memories hurt, y'know? 
            Hmm... I want to write, but I'm so tired all the time, and my mind goes blank.
            Sorry I don't talk much, I don't get on Wattpad often.


I have never related to a stranger this much in my entire wattpad, (and in real) life. What you just said. That's me. But instead of Undertale. It's RC9GN (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja).
            Dude, I fully understand how you feel. And I can relate to you (especially with the depression part).  I just hope. That your depression is getting better.
            And it's okay that you lost your interest in the fandom. I already lost interest in RC9GN. But trust me dude. You're gonna get interested again. At least just for a moment. And then probably lose your interest again. Just like me.
            Hey, before you get any ideas, no, I am not saying that we're the same. Nobody's the same. We're all different from each other. But anyways. Hope life finally gives you a break.


            Oh no no I don't hate the fandom or the people, I'm just finding it hard to get back into it, I had a long run-in with depression and those emotions are somewhat triggered when I get back into it, because it reminds me of some really terrible things....
            I'll try to write if I ever get into it...