
It's almost that time...
          	The time for PRIDE MONTH!  :3
          	(For those on my Discord, you can ignore this, it's mostly just a copy/paste, lol)
          	Last year, I did quite a large challenge for myself, and with all of my projects and stuff going on rn, I don't think I can do the exact same thing as last year. ESPECIALLY not with graduating and junk taking up my time.  XD
          	BUT, I am still planning on doing something!
          	And that something is this mini-challenge!  :D
          	I'm gonna open up a "Poll" for y'all both here and on Discord, and then present some options to choose from!
          	These choices will all be more recent stories/universes that I have created or visited!
          	Here are the options:
          	Normal SPM
          	The Monster & the Reluctant Groom
          	Mr.L, Vampire Hunter
          	UNDERTOAD  (Newer Ver.)
          	SPM: Generations
          	Heroic Jester
          	Five Nights at (Paper) Mario's
          	Super Paper Gems
          	Many of these at the same time.
          	Whichever choice, or choices, win, I will draw as many characters from it as I can with their respective flags and or pins.  UwU
          	(And feel free to request another option if you so desire, lol)
          	I'm excited to see what you all choose out of these!
          	And remember: I can't see who votes here on the server, so if you want to be sneaky, you can technically vote again here on Wattpad.  XD
          	Have an awesome day/night everyone! I can't wait to see what you all choose!  >w<


@SilverStarWarrior Sweet. And nice, I feel special now.


@NattyLovesDimmyXMrL  No limit! Don't worry.  XD
          	  And thank you, actually. It was at a tie before you voted, so thank you for breaking the tie!  >XD


@SilverStarWarrior Ah, thanks. I don’t understand if there’s a limit or something, so… These please! 
          	  Normal SPM
          	  The Monster & the Reluctant Groom 
          	  Mr.L, Vampire Hunter
          	  Heroic Jester


It's almost that time...
          The time for PRIDE MONTH!  :3
          (For those on my Discord, you can ignore this, it's mostly just a copy/paste, lol)
          Last year, I did quite a large challenge for myself, and with all of my projects and stuff going on rn, I don't think I can do the exact same thing as last year. ESPECIALLY not with graduating and junk taking up my time.  XD
          BUT, I am still planning on doing something!
          And that something is this mini-challenge!  :D
          I'm gonna open up a "Poll" for y'all both here and on Discord, and then present some options to choose from!
          These choices will all be more recent stories/universes that I have created or visited!
          Here are the options:
          Normal SPM
          The Monster & the Reluctant Groom
          Mr.L, Vampire Hunter
          UNDERTOAD  (Newer Ver.)
          SPM: Generations
          Heroic Jester
          Five Nights at (Paper) Mario's
          Super Paper Gems
          Many of these at the same time.
          Whichever choice, or choices, win, I will draw as many characters from it as I can with their respective flags and or pins.  UwU
          (And feel free to request another option if you so desire, lol)
          I'm excited to see what you all choose out of these!
          And remember: I can't see who votes here on the server, so if you want to be sneaky, you can technically vote again here on Wattpad.  XD
          Have an awesome day/night everyone! I can't wait to see what you all choose!  >w<


@SilverStarWarrior Sweet. And nice, I feel special now.


@NattyLovesDimmyXMrL  No limit! Don't worry.  XD
            And thank you, actually. It was at a tie before you voted, so thank you for breaking the tie!  >XD


@SilverStarWarrior Ah, thanks. I don’t understand if there’s a limit or something, so… These please! 
            Normal SPM
            The Monster & the Reluctant Groom 
            Mr.L, Vampire Hunter
            Heroic Jester


          Now, they shall forever be saved, no matter how much me, Wattpad, or anyone else wants them deleted.  XD
          And y'all know what that means..?  :>




          Anyway, in all seriousness, time for an update.  TwT"
          I have been busy as FRICK with life and stuff-
          I did not think that graduation and school "parties" would take so much time. Plus, I've had work.  qwq
          I have about 15 more stories to copy offline, THEN I'm allowed to continue writing/posting-
          However, y'all will be happy to hear that I am REALLY excited to get back to writing.
          Writer's block and all that junk is gone, I just wanna write. But I gotta finish saving my stories first-  TvT
          So, in summary, I've been busy, but I should be less-ish busy soon enough.
          I have the next chapter of The Monster & the Reluctant Groom all drafted, I just need to finish it.  XD
          Y'all just gotta be patient a little longer, I sowwy-  qwq
          Oh, also, just a heads up for y'all, I have surgery on the 10th of this coming month, so I apologize in advance if I do something stupid while under all those pain-killer stuffs-  >XD
          Well, besides all that, I'm just here to say I'm alive still.
          I have some fun stuff in store with my stories, I promise. Plus, there's many story ideas and pitches I want to share soon.
          Thank you all for sticking around, and I hope you all have an awesome day.  :3


@JimmySMASH4daWIN  Thank you!!!  ÓUÒ
            I was a fool to think that school would take more time from me than my actual graduation-  XD


@SilverStarWarrior Take your time, I remember graduation being such a hectic time of year! And good luck with your surgery! I'm so excited to see the stories you bring us! They're always so well-written and fun!


@TimskipKeeper  Getting my wisdom teeth removed.  =u="
            It's not a super big deal, but I'm still gonna have to recover from it, and I won't be able to talk the same for a little while.
            However, they're still gonna put me under anesthesia, so I wanted to forewarn people in case I did something stupid-  XD


Idea #2 - Starring Dimentio and Mr.L (technically?)
          This one takes place in a kinda far-off future after the events of SPM, and everyone assumes that Dimentio is Game Overed, but, shocker, he's still alive-
          Since the idea of reincarnation seems to float around a lot, it also inspired this idea.
          After the big mess-up that was The Ultimate Show, Dimentio went into hiding as a self-punishment for how horribly wrong it all went.
          All of his so-called friends hoped that he was Game Overed, he was marked a criminal in almost every world, and his one and only chance to remake the worlds into better ones was gone.
          ...well, not completely gone.
          There was a chance that the man in green, specifically Mr.L, could reincarnate, which could start the prophecy once again. However, since the man in red was not Game Overed, if Mr.L reincarnated without a foil, the Dark Prognosticus would stand unopposed and would inevitably repeat.
          Soon enough, EVERYONE knew about the possibility of the reincarnation, and every magician that could was on the search for the baby in hopes of stopping history from repeating.
          Dimentio knew that he was a joke now because of what had happened, and he was tired of it.
          He crafted a plan - He would be the one to find the reincarnated soul, and then he would Game Over them. If there was no prophecy to fulfill, then no one would remember his mistake! Dimentio was practically immortal, so in time, the worlds would forget his mistakes, and he would be a free man.
          The time finally came, and Dimentio found the baby with the man in green's soul.
          As he willed himself to get rid of the child, whether it was a moment of weakness or a stroke of insanity, Dimentio decided that he would not Game Over the child...
          Now, Dimentio tasks himself to find a home for this baby so they will be able to grow up happy, healthy, and most importantly, without fear of the prophecy.
          He gets a chance to be Dad-mentio, hehe.  ^u^
          I hope y'all enjoyed! Have a great day!  >w<


@NattyLovesDimmyXMrL  Also fair! Glad you like the idea!  XD


@SilverStarWarrior Dad-mentio in this way is something that I never asked for, but something that I never knew I absolutely needed. I shall now be starved for this till I get it.


@SilverStarWarrior ikr, like the thought of Dad-mentio just seems like fun, lmao. Love ya♡


Before I forget, iiiiiit's story idea time! ✨
          I only have 2 story ideas for now, but I still like 'em, so I hope y'all will too.  -u-
          One is a prequel idea, & the other is a sequel!
          Let's get started.  :3
          Idea #1 - Starring Blumiere, Dimentio, & a new character.
          This idea was inspired by a combo of Owl House and TinkerBell movie, so bear with me.  XD
          Since the beginning of magic, every ten years, two new Ancients are born to the Tribe of Ancients. However, when the Tribe of Darkness split away, there would be one magic-user born to each tribe every ten years.
          One child of light, and one child of dark.
          Decades have gone by, and Blumiere is born to the Tribe of Darkness as the newest fledgling magician.
          The color of the magician's skin determines what magic they shall use.
          Blumiere is born of blue skin, so he is sent to the last born of blue skin to teach him how to use his magic.
          Blue is the magic of illusionists, and Dimentio is the illusionist put in charge of Blu.
          Dimentio goes on to explain the rules of this world to Blu.
          After being created, a magician is supposed to spend their first year exploring all that they can about themselves until the time comes to choose a job.
          Each job grants the magician a matching cloak.
          Dimentio is an illusionist who decided to be a keeper of knowledge, aka one who keeps, protects, and creates stories and other books.
          Blu finds that he doesn't want to be tied down by just one magic type and "job", and begs Dim to let him choose more than one.
          He explains that this is forbidden because it is dangerous to mix magic, which is why they are to only train with their natural powers.
          After much coaxing, Blu convinces Dimentio to join his endeavor, and the two of them set out to learn how to use multiple magic types before Blumiere is bound to his "job" come the end of the year...
          Chaos ensues.  :>
          [See the next announcement for Idea #2!  :) ]


@SilverStarWarrior I heard the name Tinkerbell, so I need this. No questions on what I mean.


@ThatNewbieWriterXd  Thanks!!!  :D
             I'm very happy with this concept.  >w<


New story ideas are coming soon!!!
          I'm finally not 100% bummed out bc of Wattpad doing stuff, so I thought I'd jump back on the wagon while I can.  ^u^"
          Oh, also, that SPM: Generations bonus content should be coming soon-ish too-
          I'm finishing it up by going thru my old notes and junk as I type, lol.
          See you all later! Have a good rest of your day/night and I'll see ya then!  ^w^


@SilverStarWarrior Cant wait for the new Idea's! 
            Don't pressure yourself, Love ya♡


The Wattpad private messages are now gone..... 
          I had a lot of good times with them... It's also how I made a few of my closest friends on this site. I'm sad to see it all go so fast... It seems like just yesterday I messaged my first favorite author on this site to tell them I loved their books. Now, no one else will have the chance to do that in the future.
          RIP Wattpad Private Messages..... You shall be missed greatly.  qnq


@DRAGOVID1DAVIDAS  I did not know that YT had that-
            That sounds so cool.  q0q


@SilverStarWarrior  Yeah, soo many precious memories were made in those chats. More than I ever thought I would. YT used to have this feature too. But only for a short time. You could send each other videos too. I wonder why these platforma feels the need to remove one of their best options


          I am VERY happy to say to y'all that I am done with school for the semester!!!  >:3
          I still have to go work occasionally during the week, but it's still better than homework.  XD
          Anyway, here's an update on my plan! ^w^
          I'm going to be uploading offline copies of my Wattpad stories to my Drive, that way they can't be deleted accidentally.  :3
          If any of you would like an offline copy of a book I've made, feel free to ask!
          After I finish copying those, I will be finishing up "The Monster & the Reluctant Groom"! ^U^
          (I might work on a Dare for my other book I received as well, lol)
          When that book is done, I am going to be working on completing about 2 one-shots for my collection! Then, after that, I will be continuing my Halloween story, so maybe it'll be done by or before Halloween-  X'D
          After that, DELTATOAD shall be continued and finished!  ^u^
          After DELTATOAD, I would like to either finish my Christmas Two-Shot, or get started on the sequel to SPM:Generations, but we'll see.  -w-
          Regardless, that is my plan for the stories! Over this summer, I have plenty of things I wanna do, so be on the lookout for animations, drawings, and more!  :3
          Thank you all SO much for being patient! It's about time that waiting paid off!!!  ^U^
          Have am AWESOME day/night everybody!!!  >w<


@JimmySMASH4daWIN  Thank uuu!!! >u<
            I hope the rest of your school year goes well, too!


@SilverStarWarrior AHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING!!! Have the bestest summer, too!!! I've still got a few months before my summer vacation XP


@TimskipKeeper  Thank you!!! :3
            And I agree-  I am very lucky, but also very thankful.  XD